Detection and Classification of Vehicles from Omnidirectional Videos
using Temporal Average of Silhouettes
Hakki Can Karaimer and Yalin Bastanlar
Computer Vision Research Group, Department of Computer Engineering, Izmir Institute of Technology,
35430, Izmir, Turkey
Keywords: Omnidirectional Camera, Omnidirectional Video, Object Detection, Vehicle Detection, Vehicle
Abstract: This paper describes an approach to detect and classify vehicles in omnidirectional videos. The proposed
classification method is based on the shape (silhouette) of the detected moving object obtained by background
subtraction. Different from other shape based classification techniques, we exploit the information available
in multiple frames of the video. The silhouettes extracted from a sequence of frames are combined to create
an ‘average’ silhouette. This approach eliminates most of the wrong decisions which are caused by a poorly
extracted silhouette from a single video frame. The vehicle types that we worked on are motorcycle, car
(sedan) and van (minibus). The features extracted from the silhouettes are convexity, elongation,
rectangularity, and Hu moments. The decision boundaries in the feature space are determined using a training
set, whereas the performance of the proposed classification is measured with a test set. To ensure
randomization, the procedure is repeated with the whole dataset split differently into training and testing
samples. The results indicate that the proposed method of using average silhouettes performs better than using
the silhouettes in a single frame.
Omnidirectional cameras provide 360 degree
horizontal field of view in a single image (vertical
field of view varies). If a convex mirror is placed in
front of a conventional camera for this purpose, then
the imaging system is called a catadioptric
omnidirectional camera (Fig. 1). Despite its enlarged
view advantage, so far omnidirectional cameras have
not been widely used in object detection and also in
traffic applications like vehicle classification. This is
mainly due to the fact that the objects are warped in
omnidirectional images and techniques that are
developed for standard cameras cannot be applied
Object detection and classification is an important
research area in surveillance applications. Quite a
variety of approaches have been proposed for object
detection. A major group in these studies uses the
sliding window approach in which the detection task
is performed via a moving and gradually growing
search window. Features based on gradient
directions, gradient magnitudes, colors, etc. can be
used for classification. A significant performance
improvement was obtained with this approach by
employing HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients)
features (Dalal, and Triggs, 2005). Later on, this
technique was enhanced with part based models
(Felzenszwalb et al., 2008).
In some recent studies, the sliding window
approach has been applied to omnidirectional
cameras as well. Cinaroglu and Bastanlar (2014)
modified HOG computation for omnidirectional
camera geometry. Haar-like features are also used
with omnidirectional cameras (Dupuis et al., 2011;
Amine Iraqui et al., 2010).
Another major group for object detection uses
shape based features after background subtraction
step. For instance, Morris and Trivedi (2006a, 2006b)
created a feature vector consisting of area, breadth,
compactness, elongation, perimeter, convex hull
perimeter, length, axes of fitted ellipse, centroid and
five image moments of the foreground blobs. Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to project the
data to lower dimensions. Objects are compared by
weighted k-nearest neighbor classifier. Training set
was made up by clustering prototype measurement
vectors with fuzzy-C means algorithm.
Karaimer H. and Bastanlar Y..
Detection and Classification of Vehicles from Omnidirectional Videos using Temporal Average of Silhouettes.
DOI: 10.5220/0005259101970204
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 197-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a) A mirror apparatus is placed in front of a
conventional camera to obtain a catadioptric
omnidirectional camera. (b) An example image obtained by
such a camera.
These two major approaches are compared in a study
by Morris and Trivedi (2006b). HOG or Haar-like
features are named as image based features and the
features of the shape based approach are called image
measurement based features. It was stated that using
simple measurements extracted from the shapes is
computationally cheaper. Extracting image based
features for each position of sliding window requires
a considerable amount of time. Also the storage
requirement is much less with shape features.
Regarding omnidirectional images, an extra load of
converting original image to panoramic image (or
conversion of features) is required. To decrease the
computational load for image based features
approach, one can extract features only for the region
where the moving object exists. Even in that case,
fitting a single window to the object is not possible.
To give an example, in the study of Ghandi and
Trivedi (2007), where HOG features are computed on
virtual perspective views generated from
omnidirectional images, the windows are located
manually. These facts make the image based features
unsuitable for real-time applications in most cases.
We are also able to compare the performances of
the mentioned two approaches on standard images.
The accuracy of the HOG based method, by Ghandi
and Trivedi (2007), is lower than the accuracy of
shape based classification in their previous work
(Morris and Trivedi, 2006a). The classification
accuracy is 64.3% for HOG based approach
(accuracy is 34/36 for sedan, 17/34 for minivan and
5/17for pickup) and 88.4% for shape based approach
(accuracy is 94% for sedan, 87% for truck, 75% for
SUV, 100% for semi, 90% for van, 0% for TSV and
85% for MT).
Motivated by the facts given above, we decided to
develop a shape based method for omnidirectional
cameras. Before giving the details of our method, let
us briefly present more related work on shape based
methods for vehicle classification.
In one of the earliest studies on vehicle
classification with shape based features, authors first
apply adaptive background subtraction on the image
to obtain foreground objects (Gupte et al., 2002).
Location, length, width and velocity of vehicle
fragments are used to classify vehicles into two
categories; cars and non-cars. In another study,
(Kumar et al., 2005), authors use position and
velocity in 2D, the major and minor axis of the ellipse
modelling the target and the aspect ratio of the ellipse
as features in a Bayesian Network.
In a 3-D vehicle detection and classification study
which is based on shape based features, Buch et al.
(2008) use the overlap of the object silhouette with
region of interest mask which corresponds to the
region occupied by the projection of the 3D object
model on the image plane. Although features like
area, convex area, bounding ellipse axes or bounding
box size are not used, the accuracy of the method is
In a ship classification study, researchers use
MPEG-7 region-based shape descriptor which
applies a complex angular radial transform to a shape
represented by a binary image and classified ships to
6 types with k-nearest neighbor algorithm (Luo et al.,
Instead of standard video frames, some
researchers employed time-spatial images, which are
formed by using a virtual detection line in a video
sequence. Rashid et al. (2010) construct a feature
vector obtained from the foreground mask. Employed
features are width, area, compactness, length-width
ratio, major and minor axis ratio of fitted ellipse,
rectangularity and solidity. The training set is
clustered in desired number of vehicle classes by
fuzzy C-means algorithm. The samples are classified
by k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Later, they
improved their work using multiple time spatial
images (Mithun et al., 2012).
Although not applied to vehicle classification, a
radically different method that uses silhouettes was
proposed by (Dedeoglu et al., 2006). They define
‘silhouette distance signal’ which is the sum of
distances between center of a silhouette and contour
points. They create a database of sample object
silhouettes with manually labelling object types. An
object is classified by comparing its silhouette
distance signal with the ones in the template database.
Regarding the shape based classification studies
with omnidirectional cameras, the only work that we
found in the literature (Khoshabeh et al., 2007) uses
only the area of the blobs and classifies them into two
classes; small and large vehicles. In our study, we
detect each vehicle type separately using a higher
number of features.
The main contribution in our study can be
considered as exploiting the information available in
multiple frames of the video. The silhouettes
extracted from a sequence of frames are combined to
create an ‘average silhouette’. This process is known
as ‘temporal averaging of images’ in image
processing community and usually used to eliminate
noise. To our knowledge, the proposed method is the
first that combines several silhouettes for object
Another contribution in this paper is that we use a
portable image acquisition platform which is more
practical than fixing the cameras to building facades.
Previous work, that employ cameras fixed to
buildings, use “area” as a feature to classify vehicles
(Morris and Trivedi (2006a, 2006b), Khoshabeh et al.
(2007), Buch et al. (2008), Rashid et al. (2010)).
Since that feature becomes invalid when the distance
between the camera and the scene objects change,
those methods are not versatile. As a consequence, in
our method area of the silhouette is not a feature.
The vehicle types that we worked on are
motorcycle, car (sedan) and van (minibus). The
features extracted from the silhouettes are convexity,
elongation, rectangularity, and Hu moments. The
convexity is used to eliminate poor silhouette
extraction, the elongation is used to distinguish
motorcycles from other vehicles, and the remaining
two features (rectangularity and a distance based on
Hu moments) are used for labelling an object as a car
or a van. The decision boundary is obtained by
applying Support Vector Machines (SVM) on the
training dataset. The performance of the proposed
approach is compared with the results of using
silhouettes in a single frame. Using the average
silhouette rather than using a single frame (not
averaging) improved the rate of correct classification
from 80% to 95% for motorcycle, from 78% to 98%
for car, and from 81% to 83% for van.
Our omnidirectional video dataset, together with
annotations and binary videos after background
subtraction, can be downloaded from our website
( The organization of the
paper is as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the
details of silhouette averaging process. Vehicle
detector is described in Section 3 and classifier is
presented in Section 4. Experiments, given in Section
5, demonstrate that the proposed method of averaging
silhouettes outperforms using a single silhouette.
Conclusions are given in Section 6.
The silhouettes are obtained after a background
subtraction step and a morphological operation step.
For background subtraction, the algorithm proposed
by Yao and Odobez (2007) is used, which was one of
the best performing algorithms in the review of
Sobral and Vacavant (2014). The final binary mask is
obtained by an opening operation with a disk, after
which the largest blob is assigned as the silhouette
belong to the moving object.
To obtain an average silhouette’ we need to
define how many frames are used and the silhouettes
from these frames should coincide spatially. If a
silhouette is in range of a previously specified angle
(which we set as [30°,-30°], and 0° is assigned to the
direction that camera is closest to the road), then the
silhouette is rotated with respect to the center of
omnidirectional image so that the center of the
silhouette is at the level of the image center. This
operation, also described in Figure 2, is repeated until
the object leaves the angle range.
Figure 2: Top: An example omnidirectional video frame
containing a van while passing a road. Bottom-left: The
same frame after background subtraction. Also the angle
range that we used, namely [30°,-30°], is superimposed on
the image. Centroid of the largest blob is at 29°. Bottom-
right: Rotated blob after morphological operations.
Silhouettes obtained in the previous step are
added to each other so that the center of gravity of
each blob coincides with others. The cumulative
image is divided by the number of frames which
results in ‘average silhouette’ (Figure 3). We then
apply an intensity threshold to convert average
silhouette to a binary image and also to eliminate less
significant parts which were supported by a lower
number of frames. Thus we can work with more
common part rather than taking into account every
detail around a silhouette. The threshold we select
here eliminates the lowest 25% of grayscale levels.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 3: Example binary images when the centroid of the
object is at (a) 29° (b) 26° (c) (d) -11° (e) -29°. (f)
Resultant ‘average silhouette’ obtained by the largest blobs
in the binary images.
The convexity (1) is used to eliminate detections that
may not belong to a vehicle class or poorly extracted
silhouettes from vehicles.
 =
is the perimeter of the convex hull
and is the perimeter of the original contour (Yang
et al., 2008). Since we do not look for a jagged
silhouette, the set of detected silhouettes
filtered to obtain a set of valid detections
using the convexity threshold.
= 
We set 0.75 for our experiments. The set of valid
is passed to the classification step. An
example is shown for an eliminated silhouette using
convexity threshold in Figure 4.
Figure 4: An example of an extracted silhouette and its
convex hull. It is extracted from a motorcycle example
using a single frame and its convexity is computed as 0.73
which is lower than the threshold. 0.75.
Block diagram in Figure 5 summarizes the detection
step together with the classification step which is
described in Section 4. Please note that with the
proposed multi-frame method, morphological
operations are carried out for multiple frames and
thresholded average silhouette is given as an input to
the detection and classification steps. For the single
frame method, however, the silhouette from the frame
where the object is closest to 0° is used.
Figure 5: Block diagram of the detection and classification
system. With the proposed method, multiple frames are
processed and the extracted average silhouette is used
instead of a silhouette from a single frame.
Next, the valid detections determined by the detection
step are classified (cf. Figure 5). The features we
employ for classification are; elongation,
rectangularity, and Hu moments. Elongation (3) is
computed as follows
Elongation = 1 – W/L (3)
where W is the short and L is the long edge of the
minimum bounding rectangle (Figure 6) which is the
smallest rectangle that contains every point in the
shape (Yang et al., 2008).
Figure 6: Thresholded silhouette and the minimum
bounding rectangle.
Rectangularity (4) measures how much a shape fills
its minimum bounding rectangle (Yang et al., 2008):
Rectangularity = A
/ A
where A
represents area of a shape and A
area of the bounding rectangle.
We observed that the elongation is able to
discriminate motorcycles from other vehicle types
with a threshold. Then, the set of detected
(5) is given by
where is the elongation threshold. is determined
using the samples in the training set.
Rectangularity is a meaningful feature to
distinguish between sedan cars and vans since the
silhouette of a van has a tendency to fill its minimum
bounding box. In our trials, however, we observed
that setting a threshold for rectangularity alone is not
effective enough to discriminate cars from vans. To
discriminate the cars and vans better, we defined an
extra feature, named
(8), which is based on Hu
moments and measures if an extracted silhouette
resembles the car silhouettes in the training set more
than it resembles the van silhouettes.
is an
exemplar-based feature rather than a rule-based one
and it is computed as follows:
For a new sample,
corresponds to the difference
between the average
(10) distance to the cars in the
training set and the average
distance to the vans in
the training set. The mentioned
distance is one of
the three possible distances, based on 7 Hu moments
(Hu, 1962), used for computing the similarity of two
= 
= 
are the Hu moments of shapes A and
B respectively (Bradski and Kaehler, 2008).
We select I
since it achieved better
discrimination in our experiments than I
(9) and
If a detection is not classified as a motorcycle, in
other words Elongation τ , then it can be either a
car or a van. To determine the decision boundary
between car and van classes we trained a SVM with
linear kernel. The boundaries obtained using the
training set are depicted in the following section.
Using a Canon 600D SLR camera and a mirror
apparatus ( we obtained a
catadioptric omnidirectional camera. We constructed
a dataset of 49 motorcycles, 124 cars and 104 vans
totaling 277 vehicle instances. Dataset is divided into
training and test sets. Training set contains
approximately 60% percent of the total dataset
corresponding to 29 motorcycles, 74 cars and 62
vans. The rest is used as test set.
We set 0.75 and SVM’s parameter 0.2
for our training set. The elongation threshold is
determined by choosing the maximum convexity
value of motorcycles in the training set since this
value discriminates motorcycles from other vehicles.
Regarding the training of car-van classifier,
Figures 7 and 9 show the SVM’s linear decision
boundary, trained with the average silhouette and
single frame silhouette respectively. Training the
Figure 7: Training result of SVM using the average
silhouette method.
single frame method with the extracted single frame
silhouettes would not be fair since they contain poorly
extracted silhouettes. Therefore, the boundaries of the
vehicles are manually annotated and used for the
training of single frame method. Test results with and
without averaging silhouettes are shown in Figures 8
and 10 respectively.
Figure 8: Test result with the average silhouette method.
Figure 9: Training result of SVM without averaging
silhouettes (single frame method).
Figure 10: Test result without averaging silhouettes, i.e.
using single frame silhouettes.
Table 1: Average classification accuracies for each class
when ρ 0.75and C 0.2for the average silhouette
method and for the single frame method.
Motorcycle Car Van Overall
silhouette method
95% 98% 83% 92%
Single frame
80% 78% 81% 79%
Table 2: Confusion matrix for the proposed method of using
average silhouettes.
Ground truth Motorcycle Car Van
Motorcycle 19 0 0
Car 0 49 1
Van 1 1 35
FN 0 0 6
Table 3: Confusion matrix for single frame method.
Ground truth Motorcycle Car Van
Motorcycle 16 3 4
Car 0 39 1
Van 1 7 34
FN 3 1 3
(b) (c) (d)
Figure 11: Example car silhouettes (a) original frame, (b)
result of using a single silhouette which is misclassified
with rectangularity = 0.56 and
(c) average
silhouette, (d) thresholded average silhouette classified as
car rectangularity = 0.68 and
To ensure the randomization of data samples, the
procedure is repeated three times with the dataset split
randomly into training and testing samples. We report
the average results of the two compared methods in
Table 1. Values in the table correspond to what
percentage of the instances of a vehicle type is
classified correctly. Not surprisingly, exploiting the
information from multiple frames by averaging the
silhouettes has a greater performance than using the
silhouette in a single frame.
Tables 2 and 3 depict the number of correctly
classified and misclassified samples for each class
with the average silhouette and single frame
silhouette methods respectively. False negatives are
missed samples which are eliminated by convexity
threshold, i.e. non-valid detections.
Figure 11 shows an example where a car is
correctly classified with using average silhouette,
whereas it is misclassified with using a single
silhouette. Figure 12 shows an example where a van
has passed the detection phase with average silhouette
method but failed with the single frame method. Such
cases constitute the main performance difference
between the two compared methods.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 12: Example van silhouettes (a) silhouette from a
single frame which is eliminated since 0.548.(b)
average silhouette (c) thresholded average silhouette which
is not eliminated since. 0.823.
We proposed a method for vehicle detection and
classification based on a set of features extracted from
object silhouettes. We applied our method by using a
silhouette from a single frame and also by using
temporal average of silhouettes in multiple frames.
Our hypothesis was that the classification with
average silhouettes of multiple frames is more
successful than using a silhouette from a single frame.
Results of the experiments indicate a significant
improvement in classification performance using
multiple frames.
Although we applied the proposed method for
vehicles, in essence the advantage of averaging
silhouettes is utilizing the information available in a
longer time interval rather than a single frame.
Therefore the improvement can be expected for other
objects types and domains other than traffic
We use a portable image acquisition platform and
our method is independent of the distance between
the camera and the objects which is more practical
than the previously proposed methods that fix the
cameras to buildings and use the object’s area as a
feature since the distance to objects stays same.
This work was supported in part by the TUBITAK
project 113E107.
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