reconstructed with a desired level of detail, the next
step is to break down the model to its components or
subparts until every subpart itself is monolithic. For
breaking the monolithic 3D model into its subparts,
the user roughly scribbles each subpart on the input
data or uses common 3D breaking down techniques
like cut-planes directly on the model. If all subparts
have been identified, the user has to model the con-
nections between all parts. In addition to pre-defined
types of connections like glueing or screwing, this
step has to account for moveable connections, such as
a ball joint, where the user adds specific information
like rotation axes, maximum angles etc. In the next
step, the user assigns a material to each subpart, and
an automatic consistency check should be included to
ensure the compatibility of connection types and ma-
terials. The last step is the export of this model to
common CAD format like *.dxf.
Such an application enables full CAD from recon-
structed 3D models. This kind of CAD-ready 3D re-
construction can be used for simulation, reverse engi-
neering, modeling, inverse modeling, testing, labeling
and analysis tasks. The ultimate goal is that architects
and engineers will accept and call the models out of
3D reconstruction — a model.
The literature review of 3D reconstruction, compari-
son and the discussion of a possible application have
shown that interactive 3D reconstruction is able to
create CAD-ready model — not just dense or sparse
models. We agree with (Kowdle et al., 2014; van den
Hengel et al., 2007; Debevec et al., 1996) that a fully
automatic reconstruction for high quality object cre-
ation is currently not feasible. To show the ability of
interactive 3D reconstruction we started to implement
the propsed methods. We expect the identification
of even more weaknesses of current 3D reconstruc-
tion and computer vision methods in the course of re-
search conducted in the proposed directions. Finally,
we are optimistic that an interactive3D reconstruction
tool could create models of real world objects which
can be “translated” back to the real world with 3D
printers and CNC-machines or can be used for many
CAD tasks.
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