crossings in a 2D image of a knotted graph, but after
that we should combine them in a Gauss codes whose
planarity can be quickly checked by Theorem 9.
Second if we need to visualize any noisy cloud
sampled from an unknown knot K ⊂ R
, we may draw
a knot isotopic to K using its Gauss code and Theo-
rem 12. Even more importantly we often wish to get
a simplified (minimal) version of a knot.
The state-of-the-art simplification algo-
rithm for recognizing trivial knots available at
http://www.javaview.de/services/knots is based on
3-page embeddings. We remind theoretical argu-
ments for extending this 3-page approach to graphs
in Appendix and state more problems below.
6. Design a simplification algorithm to untangle dia-
grams of 3D graphs isotopic to planar graphs.
7. Extend our algorithm for drawing graphs in 3 pages
to drawing 2-dimensional surfaces in a universal 3D
polyhedron from (Kearton and Kurlin, 2008).
8. Compute topological invariants of a knotted graph
G ⊂ R
starting from its Gauss code, say the funda-
mental group of the graph complement R
− G.
9. Use the computed invariants to build a database
of isotopy classes of knotted graphs similarly to the
Knot Atlas at http://katlas.math.toronto.edu.
10. Define a kernel (Sch
olkopf and Smola, 2002)
on point clouds representing knotted graphs so that
one can use tools of machine learning for automatic
recognition of real-life knotted structures in 3D.
Algorithms from Theorems 9 and 12 will be available
on author’s webpage http://kurlin.org. We thank all
reviewers for their helpful suggestions and EPSRC for
funding the author’s secondment at Microsoft.
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3-page Semigroups
The following result completely reduces the topolog-
ical classification of spatial graphs up to isotopy in
3-space to a word problem in some semigroups.
Theorem 14. (Kurlin, 2007, Theorems 1.6 and 1.7)
There is a finitely presented semigroup whose all cen-
tral elements are in a 1-1 correspondence with all iso-
topy classes of knotted graphs with vertices of degree
up to n. There is a linear time algorithm to determine
if an element belongs to the center of the semigroup.
So two knotted graphs G, H ⊂ R
are isotopic in
3-space if and only if their corresponding central ele-
ments w
, w
are equal in the semigroup. A stronger
result in (Kearton and Kurlin, 2008) says that all iso-
topies between 3-page embeddings are realizable in a
3-dimensional polyhedron (a hexabasic book).
More formally, there are two slightly different
semigroups: RSG
for rigid spatial graphs with ver-
tices up to degree n and NSG
for non-rigid graphs.
Both semigroups have 12 generators a
, b
, c
, d
, i ∈