Table 3: The averages rank obtained by performing stereo matching using SG, GC and NL algorithms.
Algorithm 8-bit 7-bit 6-bit 5-bit 4-bit 3-bit 2-bit 1-bit
Semi-global matching 148.2 148.3 148.8 149.6 150.8 151.2 151.8 152
Graph cut 121.7 124 131.4 130.3 135.8 140.4 151.5 152
Non-local aggregation 45.4 43.2 65.5 89 117.2 137 149.3 151.9
stereo datasets are submitted to Middlebury stereo site
for performance evaluation. The results have demon-
strated the feasibility of our bit-plane slicing based
stereo matching framework.
The support of this work in part by the National Sci-
ence Council of Taiwan under Grant NSC-102-2221-
E-194-019 is gratefully acknowledged.
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