The human can easily obtain the 3D structural in-
formation of an object from a single 2D line drawing
image, but how to make a computer have the same
ability remains a challenging problem. Over decades,
a number of methods have been proposed to recon-
struct the 3D geometric objects from single line draw-
ings. However, to the best of our knowledge, all these
methods assume that the input is the perfect sketch of
the line drawings, that is, all the line segments and
their intersections are correctly obtained. Therefore,
in this perspective, these methods are not capable of
achieving the task addressed in this paper, which is
the solid geometric object reconstruction from sin-
gle line drawing image. The main reason is that, the
sketch automatically extracted from single line draw-
ing image may be inaccurate, due to the limitations of
the algorithms involved in the sketch extraction pro-
cess or the poor quality of the line drawing image.
Hence, we need to find a more robust reconstruction
method, which can handle incomplete or inaccurate
The key contribution of our work is an algorithm
to reconstruct 3D geometric objects from single line
drawing images. Compared to the existing meth-
ods, the proposed method is able to handle inaccu-
rate sketches which are not demonstrated in any pre-
vious works. Based on this algorithm, we implement
a mobile application which allows the user to tap on
the line drawing images in the screen of the phone
or tablet, then it instantly reconstructs the geometric
object in the image, and draws the reconstructed 3D
object onto the screen. The user can interact with the
3D object by gestures including dragging and rotat-
ing, which is essential to improve the user experience
in reading such electronic materials.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The
related work is briefly reviewed in section 2. An
overview and some assumptions of our method are
provided in section 3. Section 4 mainly discusses the
sketch extraction process in our method. Section 5
describes the 3D model matching process. Section
6 presents the 3D reconstruction algorithm. Experi-
mental results are provided in section 7 and conclu-
sions are drawn in section 8.
In the past two decades, a lot of researchers made ef-
forts to resolve the single line drawing-based 3D re-
construction problem. These methods can be roughly
categorized into 3 types: the regularity-based meth-
ods, the deduction-based methods and the divide-and-
conquer-based methods.
Regularity-based methods use some geometric
rules as constraints to construct a cost function, and
then minimize this function to obtain the 3D ob-
ject. Conventional rules include: (1) the face pla-
narity rule: the coplanar vertices of the line draw-
ing should also be coplanar 3D points after recon-
struction (Leclerc and Fischler, 1992; Shpitalni and
Lipson, 1996; Liu and Lee, 2001; Liu et al., 2002;
Liu and Tang, 2005); (2) angularity rule: all the an-
gles at the vertices of a line drawing should be the
same (Marill, 1991; Brown and Wang, 1996; Shoji
et al., 2001). Besides the preceding two rules, Lip-
son and Shpitalni(Lipson and Shpitalni, 1996) pro-
pose another 10 rules, such as line parallelism, line
verticality, isometry and corner orthogonality, et al.
Since the dimension of the search space according to
this type of methods is very high, some works (Liu
et al., 2008; Tian et al., 2009) try to reduce the dimen-
sion of the search space to improve the computational
efficiency of these methods.
Deduction-based methods usually make stronger
assumptions over the 3D objects corresponding to the
input line drawings, e.g., the 3D object has cubic cor-
ners (Lee and Fang, 2011; Lee and Fang, 2012), or
a symmetric plane exists in the 3D object (Cordier
et al., 2013), and so on. Based on these assumptions,
the reconstruction result is obtained by a deduction
The third type of methods adopt divide-and-
conquer strategy to reconstruct the complex line
drawings (Chen et al., 2007; Xue et al., 2010; Liu
et al., 2011; Zou et al., 2014b; Yang et al., 2013;
Zou et al., 2014a; Xue et al., 2012). These meth-
ods split the line drawing to a set of simpler parts.
In particular, the traditional regularity-based methods
are often used to reconstruct each part. Among these
methods, Xue et al. (Xue et al., 2012) propose a re-
fined divide-and-conquer-based method, in which an
example-based approach is used to reconstruct each
part of the complex line drawing.
Given the perfect sketch of the line drawingsas the
input, the above methods achieve good reconstruc-
tion results. However, none of them demonstrate their
abilities to handle inaccurate sketches. In this work,
we present a more robust method to solve the single
line drawing-based 3D reconstruction problem, which
can handle inaccurate sketches. It worths noting that
our method is example-based, the same as the Xue et
al (Xue et al., 2012)’s method (E3D). The main dif-
ferences between our method and E3D are twofold:
1. The E3D method can only take the sketch of a line
drawing as input, while our method directly takes line
drawing image as input; 2. The E3D method needs
complete input sketches without missing or erroneous