the optical characteristics from rough surfaces for
the sake of accurately exhibiting backscattering and
anisotropic phenomena. Compared with experimen-
tal measurements, we have shown that this model
suffices to describe the optical effects, and have
facilitated its practical application in Maya software.
However, there still exist lots of work for future.
For example, how to handle the polarized effects of
light. Due to the complexity of film structures, it is
desirable to gain the measured appearance data to im-
prove accuracy of wave rendering. It may also be
necessary to consider the special anti-aliasing such
as spectral ray differential (Elek et al., 2014) in or-
der to addressing the issue of high frequencies in the
spectrum. In addition, our proposed model can be ap-
plied to render other objects exhibiting structural col-
ors such as optical lenses, beetles and birds.
We sincerely acknowledge all anonymous review-
ers for their valuable comments. This work was
funded by National High Technology Research and
Development Program of China (2012AA011206 and
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