The paper proposes a method for direct calculation of
the medial width function of polygonal figure
(polygon with polygonal holes). The method is based
on Voronoi diagram of line segments formed by the
boundary of a polygonal figure. On the one hand,
efficient algorithms for constructing such Voronoi
diagrams are known (Held, 2011, Karavelas, 2004 ,
Mestetskiy, 2013). On the other hand, figures that
have non-linear boundary, as well as figures from the
bitmaps can be easily approximated by polygonal
For a more adequate approximation of such
shapes, we introduced the circular figures. Circular
figure is obtained by the process of skeleton pruning,
leading to "rounding" corners of the polygonal figure
by circular arcs. The proposed method of direct
calculation of the medial width function for polygonal
figures allows us to calculate the same ones for
circular figures as well.
Implementation and experimental evaluation of
the proposed approach is made with respect to the
problem of personal identification through the hand
geometry. We compute the medial width function for
circular figures approximating the shape of palm in
bitmap. Later we construct a measure of difference of
palm shapes based on the comparison of these
We consider medial representation of bound closed
regions in Euclidean plane and name them figures.
The skeleton of figure is a locus of centers of
maximum empty circles in this region. The circle is
considered to be empty if all its internal points are
internal points of the region and the maximum empty
circle which is not contained in any other empty circle
is called inscribed circle. Radial function is defined
in a point of skeleton and is equal to the radius of
inscribed circle centered at this point.
Definition 1. A spoke is a line segment from the
skeleton point to any nearest boundary point.
Spokes have important properties (Mestetskiy,
1) Each point in figure belongs to at least one
spoke, hence spokes cover the entire figure.
2) If the point of figure does not belong to the
skeleton, then it is incident on one spoke only.
Definition 2. Medial width of figure in an internal
point is equal to the length of its incidence spoke.
All spokes of a point of skeleton have the same
length. Therefore medial width for points of skeleton
is equal to the radial function. The incidence spoke of
the non-skeletal internal point is unique. Hence
medial width in this point is well defined too.
Boundary points of the figure may have several
incident spokes of different length. But the total area
of the boundary is 0. Consequently, these points do
not contribute to the area calculation of the region of
given width. Therefore, medial width at the boundary
points can be set arbitrarily, for example, put it equal
to zero.
We will use the following notation:
– Euclidean plane,
– figure, bound closed region⊂
– boundary of figure ,
– internal open region of figure ,
() – inscribed circle centered in the point ∈,
– skeleton of figure .
We denote
,∈′ – medial width of the
figure at the points ,
– the
region of given width ≥0.
Definition 3. Medial width function ℱ
of figure
is an area of given width ≥0 ℱ
Polygonal figure is closed bounded region with
boundary consisting of polygons. Polygonal figures
can be used as convenient continuous models for
approximating binary bitmap objects.
The boundary of the polygonal figure can be
represented as the set of point-sites (vertices of a
figure) and segment-sites (sides of boundary
polygons). Voronoi diagram (VD) of line segments is
defined for these set of sites. The part of this VD,
lying inside the figure is termed as VD of polygonal
figure, which is a geometric graph whose edges are of
straight line segments and quadratic parabola
Let is a polygonal figure,
VD of figure . Here – the set of vertices, – set
of VD edges. Each edge of is associated with a pair
of sites to which this edge is the bisector – the
common boundary of their Voronoi cells. Consider
the VD subgraph
, formed from
cutting of some terminal vertices and edges incident
to these vertices. If cut vertices and edges of