in RGB) in each optimizing iteration on a computer
with Intel Core Dou CPU 2.2GHz and 2GB memory.
The total computing time depends on the complexity
of the input image and the number of the iterations.
In this paper we explored the gradient domain color-
to-gray conversion. By controlling the strength of
chromatic enhancement to the luminance gradient, we
are able to obtain a salience-preserving grayscale im-
age with no visible grayscale distortion. It is based
on an observation that grayscale distortion is mainly
caused by strong chromatic differences, and Eq.(8)
aims to attenuate these strong gradient. Experiments
have proven the validity of the observation. By defin-
ing a sign function for the enhanced gradient, our
method is also able to keep correct color ordering for
isoluminance images.
Our method support automatic optimization of the
main parameters according to a structural similarity
measurement between the converted image and the
original one. This method is effective and can gen-
erate grayscale images that coincide with human vi-
sion. However, the computing efficiency of current
optimizing process is not high enough for real-time
applications. That is what we need to improve in fu-
ture works.
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