ations that keep the module registered on the mobile
network. For the Telit GL865, such keepalive proce-
dure increases the daily power consumption by 22%.
For the SIM900, the increase is only 7% due to the
higher baseline power consumption of the module and
the better TCP packet reception power cost. It must
be noted that the GL865 also executed the application
logic for this test but the SIM900 acted only as a mo-
dem. TCP-based push bearer comes with other prob-
lems on the server-side like keeping a large amount
of TCP connections open at the same time but these
issues are not discussed in this paper.
Directly connecting a remotely located, battery-
powered sensor to the GSM network comes with a set
of compromises. In our case, the power consumption
and manageability requirements were in direct con-
flict with each other. From the power consumption
point of view, the best solution would be to attach
the sensor to the mobile network only for the dura-
tion of sending the scheduled measurement data pack-
age. This would also decrease the load on the mobile
network infrastructure in case of a large number of
sensors. This approach would make the sensors more
complicated to manage, however. In order to send a
management operation, the management server oper-
ator should wait until the sensor connects back to the
server for the scheduled data sending operation.
The compromise may be the power-saving mode
of the GSM modules. Both GSM modules we eval-
uated have such mode even though these features are
non-standard and are specific to the particular GSM
module. A daily consumption of 15-30 mAh means
80-160 days of operation with a low-cost 2400 mAh
battery pack. As special, high capacity batteries are
now commercially available, this operational time
may be increased dramatically.
Push bearer is required for asynchronous manage-
ment operations. SMS offers an attractive alternative.
TCP-based push bearer is possible to implement with
relatively minor increase of the power consumption
but is problematic to make reliable due to NAT issues
and limitations of the number of the TCP streams on
the server side.
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