is implementation-dependent, and in our ECDH im-
plementation it is a two-dimensional Elliptic Curve
point. The total size of the point is equal to
twice the size of the generated Master Secret. In
Auth_Request(Auth, OT P), both values are fixed at 16
bytes each. Auth_Granted({ID
) has a payload
of size equal to ID
. Table 2 shows the total commu-
nication overhead for these 4 messages, for varying
sizes of ID and Master Secret.
Table 2: Total communication overhead (in bytes) for key
establishment for varying sizes of Master Secret (rows) and
ID (columns).
ID size 16 20 32
MS size
16 116 120 132
20 132 136 148
24 148 152 164
This paper presented a trustful infrastructure for the
IoT developed within the realm of project EPOS. As-
pects such as people privacy in respect to traffic pat-
tern analysis and data dependability have not been
considered in this paper. Also, optimized implemen-
tations and secure group communication are topics
left as future work and are currently under study.
The proposed infrastructure was implemented
around the EPOSMoteII platform and delivered to
end users through a trustful communication protocol
stack. Trustfulness for the infrastructure was achieved
through a combination of mechanisms. A practical
key establishment protocol based on AES, Poly1305-
AES, time synchronization, Diffie-Hellman and sen-
sor IDs was proposed to achieve confidentiality, au-
thentication, integrity and prevention from replay at-
tacks. The proposal was experimentally evaluated in
terms of running time in a real-world implementation.
The results confirm that the proposed infrastructure
can provide the security needed without introducing
excessive overhead to a network of things, a key step
in making the Internet of Things a daily reality.
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