nition rate. The higher training time in BRCF can be
effectively reduced by adopting the proposed weight-
ing method, in which the weights of the sample allo-
cated at the nodes are adaptively controlled. When-
ever growing a tree, it implicitly separate examples of
different classes into left and right child nodes. As an
application, we utilize hand-gesture recognition for
controlling a digital TV. Low-level feature extraction
and decoding can be done quickly by adopting dense
sampling of HOG and HOF descriptors followed by
the clustering of these descriptors using BRCF. We
can successfully decode and classify various hand
gestures and control the digital TV without a signif-
icant time delay. However we admit that user evalu-
ation of the proposed natural user interface by hand
gestures is open to argument.
There are some future works for the proposed
hand gestures recognition method. Firstly, since our
method does not detect hand region, the recognition
rate is highly affected by the changes of position and
scale of the hand. Second, the generated feature vec-
tors are very sparse, hence non-linear classifier is re-
quired to discriminate them. For the first issue, there
are many methods to segment hand region from RBG
or RGB-D images that can be integrated in our recog-
nition pipeline (Kurakin et al., 2012). For the feature
vectors, we could augment it by using Fisher Vector
method (Perronnin and Dance, 2007).
This work was supported through the sponsored re-
search project Network-type Brain Machine Interface
by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communica-
tions, Japan.
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