Color Restoration for Infrared Cutoff Filter Removed RGBN
Multispectral Filter Array Image Sensor
Chul Hee Park, Hyun Mook Oh and Moon Gi Kang
Institute of BioMed-IT, Energy-IT and Smart-IT, Technology (BEST), Yonsei University,
50 Yonsei-Ro, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
Multi Spectral Image, Color Restoration, Spectral Estimation, Low Light Condition, Spectral Decomposition,
Multi Filter Array, Infrared Cut Off Filter Removal.
Imaging systems based on multispectral filter arrays(MSFA) can simultaneously acquire wide spectral infor-
mation. A MSFA image sensor with R, G, B, and near-infrared(NIR) filters can obtain the mixed spectral
information of visible bands and that of the NIR bands. Since the color filter materials used in MSFA sensors
were almost transparent in the NIR range, the observed colors of multispectral images were degraded by the
additional NIR spectral band information. To overcome this color degradation, a new signal processing ap-
proach is needed to separate the spectral information of visible bands from the mixed spectral information. In
this paper, a color restoration method for imaging systems based on MSFA sensors is proposed. The proposed
method restores the received image by removing NIR band spectral information from the mixed wide spec-
tral information. To remove additional spectral information of the NIR band, spectral estimation and spectral
decomposition were performed based on the spectral characteristics of the MSFA sensor. The experimental
results show that the proposed method restored color information by removing unwanted NIR contributions to
the RGB color channels.
In most digital cameras, CCD or CMOS image sen-
sors are used to acquire the light reflected by ob-
jects. Unlike human eyes, sensors based on sili-
con (SiO2) are sensitive to near-infrared(NIR) up to
1100nm, limited by the cut-off of silicon. To prevent
unnatural looking images, digital cameras are usually
equipped with infrared cut-off (IRCF) filter. This fil-
ter, sometimes called IR filter or hot mirror, reflect or
block near infrared wavelengths from about 700nm to
1100nm while allowing visible light to enter.
However, because of this characteristic of IRCF,
image sensors cannot receive much valuable informa-
tion outside of the visible spectrum. For instance,
most dyes and pigments used for material coloriza-
tion are somewhat transparent to NIR. Therfore, the
difference in the NIR intensities is not only due to the
particular color of the material, butalso the absorption
and reflectance characteristics of the dyes. Therefore,
the NIR intensity gives the information pertinent to
material classes rather than the color of that object
(Salamati and Susstrunk, 2010).
Recently, there have been several attempts to use
NIR band information. In remote sensing applications
(J. Choi and Kim, 2011), the multi-spectral images
observed in a variety of the spectrum bands are used
where both visible and NIR bands are included. As
each spectral band provides different information, the
spectral bands are selectively used in the observation
of the multi-spectral images.
In surveillance cameras (X. Hao and Wang, 2010),
the NIR band is used especially in low light condi-
tions or invisible NIR light conditions. The NIR band
is also used in biometric (Kumar and Prathyusha,
2009), face matching (D. Yi and Li, 2007), and face
recognition (S. Z. Li and Lun, 2007) applications,
which have been studied based on the intrinsic re-
flectivity of the skin or eyes under NIR illumination.
Since the reflection in NIR is material dependent, it
is also used in material classification (Salamati and
Susstrunk, 2010) and illuminant estimation (Fredem-
bach and Susstrunk, 2009). NIR images can be used
in image enhancement applications such like image
dehazing (L. Schaul and Susstrunk, 2009).
Kise et al. designed a three-band spectral imaging
system composed of multiple cameras with a beam
splitter (M. Kise and Windham, 2010). This imaging
system has been used to acquire multispectral images
in user-selected spectral bands simultaneously by uti-
Park C., Oh H. and Kang M..
Color Restoration for Infrared Cutoff Filter Removed RGBN Multispectral Filter Array Image Sensor.
DOI: 10.5220/0005263600300037
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 30-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-089-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)