Table 1: Synthesis of several Scenario model features.
Events Guidance Role
Emergent models actions of actors none Movie like
EMSAVE ”Go forward” notification static none
LORA++ STORM only specified paths static, describe actions
HAVE VEHA only goals to reach static, actions and goals
StoryNets Predefined events static story elements none
the virtual environment. The sequencing of the events
is a consequence, not controlled by the author.
In VRaptor (Shawver, 1997), the scenario emerges
from the behaviour of the virtual humans and from
the actions (not constrained) of the user. In Facade
(Mateas and Stern, 2002), story elements (beats) de-
scribe the behaviour of the agents and are designed to
respond to the user behaviour in an appropriate man-
ner. Cavazza et al. (Cavazza et al., 2007) proposed a
system where the behaviour of the agents is driven by
their feelings. The actions of the actors have a set of
preconditions and a set of effects on these parameters.
In the remainder, we will not focus more on this
kind of scenario engine as we want to focus on the
sequencing of the event and on the scenario itself.
2.2 Predefined Scenarios
Predefined scenario engines depict all the possible
sequencing of events that may occur in the simula-
tion. Some of them could be limited to a unique ex-
ecution. In EMSAVE (Vidani and Chittaro, 2009),
the actor has several choices during the simulation,
but only one is actually able to unfold it. More
complex engines describe several possible sequenc-
ing of the events that can occur during the simula-
tion. LORA++ (Gerbaud et al., 2007), the StoryNets
of MRE (Swartout et al., 2006), or HAVE (Chevail-
lier et al., 2012) are based on automata and are able to
express intricate sequencing of the events.
Predefined scenario engines are generally used for
scenarios with a small amount of alternatives. They
are reliable when the main concern is to guide the ac-
tors through a specific task or story but they generally
reach their limits when they are used in a VR system
that needs more freedom.
2.3 Modelling of Events
To be able to adapt itself to the evolution of the sim-
ulation, the scenario engine must be able to perceive
the changes occurring in the environment. In many
environments, the more common events are the ac-
tions of the actors. LORA++ relies on the model
STORM (Mollet et al., 2007), able to model collab-
orative actions. HAVE, a language extended from
the UML activity diagram, relies VEHA (Chevaillier
et al., 2012) (also an extension of UML) describing
the behaviour of the objects in the environment. Other
ways to model events can be found in the literature,
even if they are not directly connected to scenario
models. The work of Willans and Harrison (Willans
and Harrison, 2001) proposes to model the behaviour
of the objects in the VE using Petri nets. Lugrin and
Cavazza (Lugrin and Cavazza, 2007) propose an in-
teraction model based low level physical events se-
quences recognition.
2.4 Guidance Level
The guidance level of the scenario defines how free is
the actor to act at a specific point of the simulation. As
stated before, in EMSAVE the actor can only perform
only one action. Even if the system offers multiple
choices, only one of them will truly affect the virtual
environment. Others will simply provide knowledge
to the user about why they are not the good option.
As they are based on automata, LORA++, HAVE and
StoryNets give more freedom to the user. However,
LORA++ is specialised in procedural training and the
actors are not supposed to do nothing but following
the procedure. HAVE proposes an ideal scenario with
goals to reach but the actors are free to act as they
wish, even not following the scenario. StoryNets of-
fer nodes where the actor is free to act. These nodes
are linked together with scripted phases (as in video
games cut-scenes). The choice of one link before an-
other depends on what has append during the free
phases. However, the user can not intervene in the
2.5 Role Modelling
The role theory (Biddle and Thomas, 1966) defines
the role of a person as what he or she can do, and what
he or she has to achieve in regard of a situation and in
a specific social context. This definition helps to de-
scribe multi-actor organisations such as team work.
In virtual reality, this definition fits well to collabo-
rative virtual environments. The ”can do” part of the
theory defines the actions an actor can execute in re-
gard of the simulation state. The ”has to achieve” part