using variable-timing method. Therefore, the time
length can be obtained automatically according to dif-
ferent motion complexity. We use the hierarchical
interpolation method to generate a transition in the
shortest possible time with the precondition of proper
movement. This method uses different interpolation
method based on the classification of joints, and it
uses different interpolation parameter based on the
classification of animations. The generated transition
animation is flexibility and changeability for different
animation conditions. The final experimental result
shows perfect result of generating transition anima-
There are also some limitations in our work. In
order to make our generated animation more realis-
tic and reliable, some extra constraints need to be
added. Such as rotation angle constraint, collision
constraint and center of mass constraint. As our tran-
sition method is generated automatically, the trajec-
tory of the joints and the bones could not avoid col-
lision themselves, therefore, we need collision detec-
tion. It also needs to keep the character’s balance dur-
ing animation. We cannot control the trajectory of ev-
ery joint without additional constraints, and the move-
ment without constraints and error feedback may lead
to an unreal animation presentation. We will solve
this problem in our future work
The authors thank the 863 Plan (No. 2013AA013803)
and the National Science Foundation of China (No.
61103153/F020503) for financially supporting this
study. We also thank Shaohua Hu, Xingzhang Long
and Zhengyuan Chen from Zhejiang Institute of Dig-
ital Media of Chinese Academy of Sciences, for the
great help of providing us the model and animation
set of the virtual character.
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