the platform without having to disclose its policies or
the data required by them. The main disadvantage of
federated authorization is its complexity. However,
the value of the four benefits listed above grows with
the size of the organization. Federated authorization
therefore is an important enabler for the adoption of
collaborative e-health platforms (and more generally,
remote applications) by large organizations.
As such, this scenario illustrates the need for
federated authorization for enforcing the intra-
organizational policies of an organization on remote
applications. This technique can also be applied to
more complex policies and usage scenarios in the fed-
eration. For example, the cross-organizational poli-
cies imposed by the platform itself require access con-
trol data spread over multiple organizations. For these
policies, federated authorization enables an organiza-
tion to evaluate their part of the complete policy with-
out having to share the data required for this. This
approach can also improve performance of cross-
organizational policy evaluation by evaluating parts of
a policy close to the data they require instead of trans-
porting the data itself, which is especially relevant if
the organizations in the federation have separate IT
infrastructures. As such, federated authorization is a
necessary building block for federated access control
in both short and long term.
The previous section has motivated the need for fed-
erated authorization in the context of a collaborative
care platform. Federated authorization has been dis-
cussed by other authors, e.g., (Poortinga-van Wijnen
et al., 2010), and initial attempts have been made to
create supporting run-time environments, e.g., (Decat
et al., 2013; Lischka et al., 2009). Moreover, simple
domain-specific instances of federated authorization
are already used in practice, e.g., for credit card pay-
ments where the bank of the customer is contacted
to authorize the payment. However, while the basic
concept of federated authorization is fairly intuitive,
many open research challenges still remain before it
can be realized in a practical setting, amongst others
because of the complexity of real-life federations as
described in Section 2.1. In the remainder of this
section, we discuss our key requirements for feder-
ated authorization in terms of policy language sup-
port, run-time support and standardization.
Policy Language Support. Existing policy lan-
guages such as XACML (OASIS, 2013) already pro-
vide extensive constructs for specifying access rules
within a single organization. However, these lan-
guages and their underlying models should be ex-
tended to support federated authorization. Firstly,
policies should be able to refer to other organizations
in the federation and incorporate the result of their
policy evaluation. This basic requirement has been
addressed by previous research (Lischka et al., 2009;
Decat et al., 2013). Secondly, these policy languages
should also be extended to support reasoning about
other organizations as a whole. For example, organi-
zations should be able to express their trust in other
organizations in the federation and incorporate this
trust in their access decisions. Thirdly, since real-
istic federations can be large and members can join
and leave frequently, these policies require language
mechanisms that make abstraction of specific mem-
bers of the federation, e.g., higher-level federation
roles such as “home care provider”, “caterer” or “hos-
pital”. As such, existing paradigms such as role-based
access control (Ferraiolo et al., 2001) and attribute-
based access control (Jin et al., 2012) can serve as a
first step to address these challenges.
Run-time Support. Next to specifying policies for
federated authorization, a supporting run-time execu-
tion environment is required, with at its core the pol-
icy engine. In terms of policy evaluation, federated
authorization requires these engines to be able to con-
tact the engines of other organizations. Again, this
basic requirement has already been addressed in liter-
ature (Lischka et al., 2009; Decat et al., 2013). How-
ever, employing federated authorization in practice
requires additional features of policy engines. For ex-
ample, by employing federated authorization, policies
are also evaluated in a distributed fashion. If these
policies have side-effects (e.g., obligations (OASIS,
2013)), some form of concurrency control is required
to ensure correctness. Moreover, while federated au-
thorization can be employed as a performance tactic,
it still entails communication with a remote organiza-
tion. Therefore, it requires performance tactics itself
to keep its latency low, e.g., decision caching, caching
of access data or policy splitting. Since access control
is a security feature, the proven correctness of each of
these tactics is essential.
Interoperability Through Standardization.
Cross-cutting to the above, standardization is key
to the successful adoption of federated authoriza-
tion, especially to achieve dynamic and large-scale
federations. More precisely, federated authorization
requires standardized policy languages, data sharing
formats and access control orchestration mecha-