Table 1: HFE Performance Comparison For Four MSFA
Bilinear BTES Proposed
R 5.76 6.77 9.16
G 5.14 5.96 9.14
B 4.07 4.65 9.16
NIR 4.79 5.54 9.14
R 3.06 3.46 5.55
G 3.92 4.43 5.56
B 2.45 2.69 5.54
NIR 2.61 2.87 5.54
R 7.54 8.99 13.51
G 8.84 10.10 13.61
B 8.26 9.63 13.56
NIR 7.10 8.15 13.45
R 9.24 10.64 17.98
G 10.39 12.05 17.99
B 9.95 11.51 17.99
NIR 8.41 9.67 17.97
Table 2: CPSNR’ (in decibels) Performance Comparison
For Four Color Images.
Bilinear BTES Proposed
Sample5 22.80 23.18 24.16
Sample6 22.93 23.12 25.12
Sample7 21.79 21.71 24.44
Sample8 21.84 21.38 24.10
of sub-sampled regular patterns because the method
of reconstructing the high-frequency of the MS im-
ages is not related to any specific patterns.
This work was supported by the National
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant
funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No.
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