Information Visualization for CSV Open Data Files Structure Analysis
Paulo Carvalho
, Patrik Hitzelberger
, Beno
ıt Otjacques
, Fatma Bouali
and Gilles Venturini
Gabriel Lippmann Public Research Center, 41 Rue du Brill, L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
University Franc¸ois Rabelais of Tours, Tours, France
CSV, Information Visualization, InfoVis, Open Data, Table structure, Tabular Information Visualization.
New and different information sources have appeared over the past years (e.g. Blogs, Media, Open Data,
Scientific Data and Social Networks). The variety of these sources is growing and the related data volume
increases exponentially. Open Data (OD) initiatives and platforms are one of the current major data producers,
also because the topic seems to be important for many governments world-wide. Given the many fields
and sectors involved, OD brings high business and societal potential. The amount and diversity of available
information is high. However, analysing and understanding OD in order to exploit is far from being an easy
task. Several problems and constraints must be solved. Information Visualization (InfoVis) can help to give a
graphical idea of the processed files structure. Given that OD is provided very often as tabular data, this paper
focuses on OD CSV files. It presents an overview on the analysis of tabular information. Finally, the paper
describes the role of Information Visualization and the way it may help the end-user to understand quickly the
structure and issues of OD CSV files.
The amount of information being generated and re-
leased every day on the Internet is enormous. This
fact results mainly from the growing number of new
information sources: Open Data (OD), Social Net-
works and Media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook), blogs, sci-
entific data, commercial data, and so on. OD is a cur-
rent active movement in terms of data generation and
release. This is mainly due to the pressure made by
governments in order that data produced and main-
tained by public entities should be accessible to the
global public. The economic value of OD has been es-
timated at 40 billion, per year, in Europe alone (Euro-
peanCommission, 2014). At the same time, OD rep-
resents an important element of the way towards more
IT supported participation and transparency (Janssen,
2011) in the public sector. Many actors of both the
private and the public sector are involved in OD pub-
lication: agriculture, economy, health, culture, trans-
ports, education, etc. This diversity is one of the fac-
tors that explain why OD has a high value and an
important potential for the society and the economy
in general. Every data, and in particular, every OD
dataset has its own business/social value. To realize
the maximum potential of datasets, however, it may
be necessary to combine them. We have been explor-
ing this area in order to create adequate charts to sup-
port OD integration processes. However, before com-
bining data, it is necessary to understand it. One of
the major problems concerning OD is the lack of a
common and unique standard used by organizations
to publish their datasets. This leads to datasets be-
ing published and accessible in different formats and
shapes: files (in different formats), RSS, APIs, etc.
Understanding how datasets are organized is a major
issue considering all kinds of dataset formats that may
exist. This problem is known as the ”table recognition
problem” (Ng et al., 1999). It consists in identifying,
in a given data file, the important parts of data tables
such as headers (columns and rows), data values and
their types (string, numeric, etc), missing values and
other information in the file. Some files might con-
tain more than one table. Once the table structure
is understood, the table can be further processed and
combined with other information: it can be integrated
in a data warehouse, or it can be processed by a data
mining or a visualization tool. This paper focuses on
OD CSV files. The reason of this choice is explained
in a later section. We support the idea that Informa-
tion Visualization is a promising candidate to ease the
understanding of OD CSV files structure. The paper
tries to answer the challenge of presenting an intuitive
and efficient manner to visualize the structure of such
datasets. The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
First, we give a brief introduction of table structure
Carvalho P., Hitzelberger P., Otjacques B., Bouali F. and Venturini G..
Information Visualization for CSV Open Data Files Structure Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0005265301010108
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP-2015), pages 101-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-088-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
analysis, followed by an overview on the state of the
art in this field. Several chart types we have worked
on during our analysis are presented and their advan-
tages and limitations are discussed. Our chosen chart
solution - Piled Chart - is described in detail. Finally,
we present the results and conclusions of using In-
formation Visualization to support CSV files structure
In 2011, OD implementation across Europe was still
emerging. Only a small percentage of datasets was
published under open (1.8%) and machine-readable
(11.8%) formats (Reggi, 2011). PDF was the most
spread format. The only open format used was
CSV. In the next section we discuss how things have
evolved and our choice of focusing our work in the
CSV format.
2.1 CSV Format
Several initiatives encourage the use of machine-
readable formats for OD. For the prevailing tabu-
lar datasets, the simplest and widest-spread format
is CSV (comma-separated values). Its usage in OD
contexts is commonplace. The Open Government
Partnership (OGP) was launched in 2011 (Harrison
et al., 2012) to stimulate the creation of open govern-
ments worldwide. Currently, OGP has 64 participat-
ing countries (OpenGovernmentPartnership, 2014).
Members of this organization are required to respect
various open-governance standards (Yu and Robin-
son, 2012), concerning e.g. the type of information
released or the format of the published data. In gen-
eral, datasets are required to be released in a machine-
readable format. In Europe, the Financial Trans-
parency System (FTS) of the European Commission
provides information related with European Union
projects since the year of 2007 (Martin et al., 2014).
All the datasets can be downloaded as CSV files.
In the Netherlands, Zuiderwijk and Janssen made a
study of the OD policy of seven countries (Zuider-
wijk and Janssen, 2014). It shows that standard for-
mats, including CSV, are used most of the time. In
2014, Veljkovi et al. presented a benchmark proposal
regarding OD available in the United States OD portal
(Data.Gov, 2012). In this study, it has been concluded
that most of the OD datasets were available in CSV,
XLS and PDF files (Veljkovi
c et al., 2014). Finally, a
recent study of OD policies in five different countries
(United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Kenya
and Indonesia) has confirmed that CSV is used in all
involved countries except Indonesia, where datasets
are only available as PDF files (Nugroho, 2013). All
these facts demonstrate the importance of the CSV
format for OD, and why we focus our research on
CSV files. This choice is also linked to the bellow
CSV is a machine-readable format;
CSV is a basic, non-proprietary format;
CSV is a simple tabular format.
However, the advantage of the extreme simplic-
ity of the format is not without issues. The semantic
and syntactic interpretation of CSV files can be diffi-
cult. Furthermore, there is no common standard used
for publishing OD (Rivero et al., 2012). In order to
profit from the presumptive high potential business-
value of OD, data must be made usable, meaningful
and exploitable. Getting an overview of the structure
and the content of a CSV file can be a hard task. De-
spite its popularity, this format does not have a formal
specification. The informal de-facto standard is RFC
4180 (Shafranovich, 2005) that specifies the follow-
ing syntatic rules for CSV files:
Records are located on a separated line delimited
by a line break;
Last record of the file may not have an ending line
An optional header line may exist on the first line
of the file;
Within the header and each record, there may be
one or more fields separated by commas;
Each field may or not be enclosed in double
Fields containing line breaks, double quotes and
commas should be enclosed in double-quotes;
In fields where double-quotes are used to enclose
them, a double-quote must precede another one
appearing inside a field to escape it.
2.2 Visualizing the Structure of a Table
Despite its importance and barriers faced, the visu-
alization of the structure of tabular data does not
seem to be a subject of deep study during the last
years. Many visualization techniques use tabular data
as an input. They consider the structure of the table
as clearly identified. Among the table visualization
methods (Hoffman and Grinstein, 1997), some ap-
proaches can directly represent the structure of a ta-
ble, like Table Lens (Rao and Card, 1994) and Table-
plot Graphics (Malik et al., 2010).
Table Lens is a technique to visualize and understand
the meaning of large tables using a fisheye approach.
The idea behind this methodology is based on a dis-
tortion applied by the user where the centre of the
distortion becomes zoomed-in while the other regions
displayed are zoomed-out (Sundararajan et al., 2011).
Table Lens is more appropriate for the analysis of pre-
cise and small regions of a table. It can be used to find
correlations existing in a given context. On its side,
Tableplot Graphics is a method to represent graphy-
cally the cell values of a tabular dataset. It does not
analyse and show the type of data analysed. Other re-
lated work on this subject has been found: Sopan at
al. Exploring Distributions - Design and Evaluation
(Sopan et al., 2010). However, data types were also
not taken into account.
Although its global utility, these methods are not
convenient regarding the type of CSV structure anal-
ysis we want to achieve. We support the idea that it
is necessary to create a more specific solution to as-
sess the structure of a CSV file. Our objective is to
provide the user with an intuitive and global overview
of the structure of a CSV file and the type of data it
contains, in order to determine what pre-processing
must be performed on such a table. We also want to
furnish a tool that is able to identify possible errors in
CSV files in order to correct them if possible. This is
why we have created the concept of a tabular Piled-
Chart. This chart will be described further section in
this document.
Processing, analysing and understand large amounts
of information is a complex task. Creating and de-
veloping a new technique of information visualiza-
tion that is able to provide better results than exist-
ing methods and respecting the properties presented
above (Section 1.1) is a hard job. With all the dif-
ferent forms, graphs and shapes already existing to
represent information (e.g.: Pie charts, Ellimaps -
use nested ellipses of various sizes to build graph-
ics (Otjacques et al., 2009), Treemaps, Geographical
Treemaps, etc.), being innovative and bringing better
results becomes more and more challenging. Table
Lens is a technique that is used to analyse tabular in-
formation. However, it is based on a fisheye approach
which is not appropriate to give a view of the entire
data. Our aim is to create a visualization technique
that is able to give a global overview of an OD CSV
file structure:
To estimate the size (number of rows/columns) of
the CSV file;
To provide information on the data type of CSV
file cells;
The possibility to compare the same type of
datasets over time periods. This can be very use-
ful to detect problems, errors and incoherencies
because OD datasets are often published periodi-
Additionally, the new chart should have the fol-
lowing characteristics:
Be efficient - in order to deliver a rapid idea of the
CSV file form. Users with limited or even poor
knowledge about the analysed information should
be capable of getting a global idea of the CSV file
structure in an effective and intuitive manner;
Be user-friendly provinding e.g. zoom-in/zoom-
out functions; legends; tooltip information; etc.
With the focus on the objectives presented,
respecting constraints listed above and taking
into account the peculiar nature of tables (their
columns/rows structure; their size which may vary
from small to large; the cells may contain diverse data
types; etc.), the Piled Chart technique has been cre-
ated. Before creating Piled Chart, we focused our
studies on several solutions which fulfilled our needs
partly, and were important for the development of
Piled Chart rise. This is why they will be presented
3.1 Previous Attempts
Before arriving to a solution that is able to present
graphically tabular data, we have worked on several
solutions (e.g. the Sphere Chart; the Circle Chart).
They acted as a starting point of our research but were
not retained because of several weaknesses:
They were not able to present the structure of
more than one file simultaneously - the user can
only visualize the structure of a region of one CSV
Some limitations regarding their understanding
and perception;
The user did not have the view of the entire struc-
ture of the file. Mouse interaction was needed in
order to view other parts of the structure.
The Circle Chart (Figure 1) is a chart that allows
to represent the structure of a CSV file. Its main draw-
back is its unreadability when the number of columns
and rows of the analysed file is considerable.
Figure 1: Circle Chart example.
Figure 2 shows the Sphere Chart. The aim of the
Sphere Chart is to show the structure of a CSV file
giving the ability to view its cells content, detect miss-
ing values and potential errors. However, it has an im-
portant limitation: the user needs to rotate the sphere
in order to view parts of the file structure. It does not
give an entire image of the complete file structure.
Figure 2: Sphere Chart example.
3.2 CSV Cell Chart
Succeeding previous chart solutions, CSV Cell Chart
was created (Figure 3). CSV Cell Chart was a step for-
ward to our solution - Piled Chart is completely based
on this approach. CSV Cell Chart consists merely in
showing every column, row and cell in the same or-
der as they are in the CSV file. In other words, it gives
to the user an image of the CSV file structure, using
a colour code to represent the data type of each cell.
This colour code is also used to show possible warn-
Figure 3: CSV Cell Chart example.
3.3 Piled Chart
CSV Cell Chart has an important weakness: it dis-
plays all rows/columns, even if they have the same
structure. This fact is not optimal in terms of space
usage and of the visualization. To eliminate this in-
convenience, retaining however the advantages of the
CSV Cell Chart, the Piled Chart was created. Its main
characteristics are:
Rows with the same structure - rows with the same
data types on the same column index - are grouped
(piled) into an unique row;
Columns with the same structure - columns with
the same data types on the same row index - are
grouped (piled) into an unique column;
A colour code is used to represent the data type
for every cell. For now the data types supported
are limited (String, Number, Date and Percent-
age). The colour code may also be used to rep-
resent possible errors and/or warnings.
With this approach, the structure of a CSV file can
be represented on a reduced area - because rows and
columns with a similar formation are grouped. The
figure below (Figure 4) shows a part of a OD CSV
file which contains information about the trees in the
parks of the Versailles city (
Ile-de France, 2014).
Figure 4: OD CSV file example - Trees existing on the parks
of Versailles.
It is a small and simple CSV file with a structure
of 10 columns and 3 rows. Using a Piled Chart to
represent the file structure will help the user to deter-
mine easily the types of the cells present on the file.
The advantage of using Piled Chart grows with the
complexity of the analysed CSV file.
Figure 5: Piled Chart example.
The chart (Figure 5) is composed of three columns
(two piled-columns + one ”normal” column) and two
rows (one normal row + one piled-row). By a quick
look at the chart, with a special focus on the piled-
rows and piled-columns, it is possible to extract fol-
lowing information:
The cells are all composed by Strings or Numbers
(based on the colour code presented);
The first row has only String values in every cell;
All the others rows (2 rows) have the same struc-
The file is composed - from left to right - of
3 columns with the same structure (cells with a
String value), followed by 1 column and finally
ends with a set of 6 columns with the same struc-
ture (cells with a String value).
The number of columns covered by a piled-
column may be determined by counting the regions
defined by the brown lines. At the same time, the
number of rows covered by a piled-row may be de-
termined by counting the regions defined by the dark-
blue lines. It is also possible to obtain this informa-
tion by just moving the mouse over the piled-region
behind the piled-rows and/or the piled-columns (e.g.
Figure 6).
Figure 6: Tooltip example.
An additional characteristic of the Piled Chart
is the possibility to expand a piled-column and/or a
piled-row. The user has the possibility to click on the
piled-area behind a piled-row/piled-column in order
to expand it. This action will turn visible the entire
structure of the selected piled-region. The following
picture (Figure 7) shows the result of expanding the
first piled-column of the graph.
Figure 7: Piled-column expand.
It is possible to visualize the content of a given
cell. Obviously, this functionality is not available for
piled-columns and piled-rows. To do so, the user just
has to move the mouse pointer over the wanted non-
piled-cell and a tooltip with its value appears (e.g.
Figure 8).
Figure 8: Cell value.
Finally, another useful functionality of the Piled
Chart is its ability to detect and show missing values
on a CSV file to the user. Every missing value is rep-
resented with a specific colour in the example, the
grey colour is used. This scenario is demonstrated in
the figures 9 and 10.
Figure 9: CSV file plain text format VS CSV file in Excel
Figure 10: CSV file with missing value and possible error.
The difficulty which may occur when viewing
a CSV file grows with the size of the CSV files
and the complexity of its structure (missing val-
ues, many rows, many columns, irregular number of
rows/columns, etc.). Looking at an image like the one
in Figure 10, the user is able to conclude quickly that
the analysed CSV file may have a problem in the cell
located on its last row of the 2nd column because
of the yellow colour. Looking at Figure 9, this cell
has the value ”abc”, while all the others cells in this
column are numbers (except the header). In certain
cases, missing values can have an important impact
on the process, so it may be crucial to detect them.
Using the same kind of reasoning, the user is able
to conclude that two values are missing on the 3rd
column of the analysed CSV file. This effectiveness
of usage is mandatory for the success of every visu-
alization solution. The more complex the structure
and the larger the size of a CSV file are, the more a
Piled Chart is valuable. The figure below (Figure 11)
shows the Piled Chart representation of a CSV file
with 52 rows and 33 columns. Because many rows
and columns have the same structure, the entire file
structure is shown using two rows and nine columns
reducing the area of analysis needed by the user to un-
derstand the file structure. The Piled Chart area size
is reduced along as similar rows/columns exists.
Figure 11: Understanding CSV files structure reducing
user’s area of analysis.
The Figure 12 shows another example of the Piled
Chart for a large CSV file, with 17 columns and 204
rows. This file gathers information related with the
parks and the gardens of the city of Montpellier.
Figure 12: Understanding large CSV files structure reduc-
ing user’s area of analysis.
The following table summarizes the features of
Piled Chart:
Table 1: Piled Chart features.
Global view of a CSV file’s structure
using the smallest area possible.
Possibility to visualize each cell type and
each cell value.
+ Missing values detection.
User-friendly: zoom-in/zoom-out
function; tooltips with information; etc.
Not able to analyse 2 different files
- Limited to CSV files analysis.
In this paper we have presented the advantages of cre-
ating a new type of an information visualization chart
that is able to describe the structure of CSV files.
CSV files are not always easy to understand. Their
structure may be very complex, with large number of
columns and/or rows, non-regular number of columns
in each row, different types of data in each cell and so
on. With the growing OD trend, large amount of in-
formation is published over the Internet. Abundant
variety and quantity of public data is now available
for different usage scenarios. Many OD datasets are
published in the CSV format. If the user cannot inter-
pret efficiently OD CSV files, the potential of these
datasets cannot be exploited and they may become
useless. By providing better tools to the user that ease
the understanding and exploitation of such data, we
increase the potential use of these datasets. Beyond
the possibility the user has to analyse more efficiently
the files, potential errors can be detected - and cor-
rected. These factors make the use of OD CSV files
more convenient and efficient. According to the lit-
erature, it seems that there are not many techniques
to analyse tabular information. Table Lens is one of
them but has some weaknesses that were presented
in this paper. That is the main reason why we have
worked on a new type of information visualization
technique for OD CSV files: Piled Chart. In our opin-
ion, Piled Chart is promising, but still has potential
for improvement. One current limitation of the Piled
Chart is its incapability to inspect more than one file
simultaneously. Many of OD datasets available on
the web are published periodically. The possibility
to evaluate several files at the same time would bring
important advantages to compare rapidly the same
kind of CSV files over periods of time (e.g. datasets
with the data of the public budget for two different
months). This would help to detect inconsistencies
between file generations. Another challenging task is
the scalability problem: can the technique cope with
very large files? How will the system work when pro-
cessing several large datasets? Finally, but not less
important, the technique should be as user-friendly as
possible. The user should be able to understand eas-
ily the information showed in the chart and the inter-
action must be easy and fluid. We are already taking
this into account but there is still work ahead.
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