Fractal Image Compression using Hierarchical Classification of
Nilavra Bhattacharya
, Swalpa Kumar Roy
, Utpal Nandi
and Soumitro Banerjee
Dept. of Computer Sc.& Tech., Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur, India
Dept. of Computer Science, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, India
Dept. of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, India
Fractal Image Compression, Fisher Classification, IFS, PIFS, Hierarchical Classification, Block Classification.
In fractal image compression (FIC) an image is divided into sub-images (domains and ranges), and a range
is compared with all possible domains for similarity matching. However this process is extremely time-
consuming. In this paper, a novel sub-image classification scheme is proposed to speed up the compression
process. The proposed scheme partitions the domain pool hierarchically, and a range is compared to only those
domains which belong to the same hierarchical group as the range. Experiments on standard images show that
the proposed scheme exponentially reduces the compression time when compared to baseline fractal image
compression (BFIC), and is comparable to other sub-image classification schemes proposed till date. The
proposed scheme can compress Lenna (512x512x8) in 1.371 seconds, with 30.6 dB PSNR decoding quality
(140x faster than BFIC), without compromising compression ratio and decoded image quality.
The theory of fractal based image compression us-
ing iterated function system (IFS) was first proposed
by Michael Barnsley (Barnsley, 1988). A fully auto-
mated version of the compression algorithm was first
developed by Arnaud Jaquin, using partitioned IFS
(PIFS) (Jacquin, 1992). Jaquin’s FIC scheme is called
the baseline fractal image compression (BFIC). Frac-
tal compression is an asymmetric process. Encod-
ing time is much greater compared to decoding time,
since the encoding algorithm has to repeatedly com-
pare a large number of domains with each range to
find the best-match.
Plenty of research has focused on how to speed-
up the compression process, and almost all of them
explored how to reduce the number of domain blocks
in the domain pool. Fisher (1994) divided the domain
pool into 72 classes according to certain combinations
of the four quadrants of a block. His work proved the
efficiency of the classification schemes: the searching
time got reduced to the order of magnitude of sec-
onds without great loss of image quality. Tong and Pi
(2001) and later Wu et al. (2005) used standard devi-
ation to classify blocks. Wang et al. (2000) and Duh
et al. (2005) used the edge properties of the blocks to
group them into three or four classes, and this resulted
in a speedup ratio of 3 to 4. Xing et al. (2008) re-
fined Fisher’s scheme and obtained 576 classes based
on a block’s mean pixel value and its variance. Han
(2008) used a fuzzy pattern classifier to classify im-
age blocks. Tseng et al. (2008) used Particle Swarm
Optimization to classify image blocks. Jayamohan
and Revathy (2012) classified domains based on Lo-
cal Fractal Dimensions and used AVL trees to store
the classification. Wang and Zheng (2013) used Pear-
son’s Correlation Coefficient as a measure of similar-
ity between domains and ranges, and classified image
blocks based on it.
In this paper a novel sub-image classification
scheme is proposed, which greatly improves the com-
pression time (when compared to BFIC), and is com-
parable to other sub-image classification schemes
proposed till date, in terms of speed. The layout
of this paper is as follows: the mathematical back-
ground of Fractal Image Compression is briefly out-
lined in section 2, while Fisher’s classification scheme
is explained in section 3. The proposed classification
scheme (abbreviated as P-I) is explained in section 4.1
and a further optimization technique (abbreviated as
P-II) is given in section 4.2. Experimental results are
given in section 5. The conclusions are made in sec-
tion 6, which are followed by acknowledgements, and
finally the references.
Bhattacharya N., Roy S., Nandi U. and Banerjee S..
Fractal Image Compression using Hierarchical Classification of Sub-images.
DOI: 10.5220/0005265900460053
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 46-53
ISBN: 978-989-758-089-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)