two phases. Half of the teams used SysML models,
the other half used a set of languages we defined in
previous publications. Both teams were required to
follow an Agile method and to document the design
rationale and decisions during the project. We tested
their prototypes after each phase and evaluated the
quality of the produced models. We also conducted a
paper-based survey in order to collect their feedbacks
in a structured way.
At the sight of this study, it appears that our
transformation-centric approach produces software
with a slightly higher rate of functional correctness
and completeness (one more group delivered a fully-
functional prototype). Also, the amount of justi-
fied design decisions was significantly higher (0.94
against 0.32 documented design decisions for the sec-
ond phase). Some participants even took the oppor-
tunity to add more details than the only mandatory
information. However, the study was rather small, so
the scalability of our approach should be definitely
evaluated on a bigger project
A critical feature requested by the participants
concerned a graphical editor, combined to the tex-
tual syntax, in order to enhance model visualization.
Combined textual and graphical representations of the
same model, but focusing on different aspects, may
be a very effective tool support and should be investi-
The authors thank Nicolas Genon, Quentin Boucher
(PReCISE), and Xavier Le Pallec (LIFL, France) for
their help and advices. The authors are also grateful
to the Master students of the University of Namur for
their kind participation in this case study.
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