lighting and pose. A histogram is computed for each
frame in the pass of a subject and they are then com-
pared to all histograms already in the database. When
the shortest distance d
to any gallery-histogram is
less than t
, the associated person id, p
receives a
vote. Thus, each subject histogram contributes with
up to 1 vote, for a theoretical total of len(H) votes:
the number of histograms in the current pass. If there
are no histograms in the pass, the subject is ignored. If
any person in the gallery has received more than half
the theoretical maximum, the subject is re-identified
as him. If no gallery person satisfies this requirement,
the subject is added as a new person.
It is worth noting that this method has no explicit
option of ignoring the subject in case it is uncertain,
other than in the case where no histograms exist.
6 permutations of the system have been tested on 3
different sequences (see section 2.1). The 2 differ-
ent multi-shot models have both been tested in 3 dif-
ferent color spaces: RGB, HSV, and XYZ.HSV and
XYZ have been tested since they both model color
closer to how the human eye sees it, and more spe-
cifically because they allow for exclusion of the lu-
minance so that differing lighting conditions should
affect performance less. That means that for the fol-
lowing tests all three RGB channels were used, in the
HSV case only HS were used, and with XYZ only XZ
were used.
The performance of the system varies with the or-
der the persons are passing by the camera. If a person
that is very hard to re-identify passes by the camera
in the first two passes without any other entries in
the database, odds are that he will be correctly re-
identified. However, if a similar person enters the
database before the second pass of person 1, they
might be confused with each other and thus lower
the performance. To even out this effect, all res-
ults presented below are averages of 100 runs where
the subjects enters the system in random order. That
should sufficiently even out any “lucky” or “unlucky”
orderings and provide accurate results. For each run,
all thresholds have been trained on a random subset of
20% of the sequence, which is then excluded from the
rest of the run. The effect of the training set selection
should also average out.
The re-identification performance can be charac-
terized with 5 parameters:
1. Correct new
2. Wrong new
3. Correct ID
4. Wrong ID
5. Ignored
The first two describes how well the system dis-
tinguishes between known persons and new persons.
Ideally, there should be no wrong new, as they are per-
sons that are already in the database and should have
been re-identified. Correct ID and wrong ID com-
prises the subjects that are neither ignored, correct
new, nor wrong new, but are re-identified. Finally, ig-
nored are the ones that are not handled because they
are neither close enough to an existing person to be
re-identified, nor different enough from the existing
persons to be added to the database.
The results of the tests can be seen in table 3.
Sequence length and detection performance varies
greatly between sequences, as seen in table 2. Note
that the Hallway sequence contains many shorter
tracks, meaning that generalization, as well as the be-
nefit from the multi-shot approach, declines heavily.
Generally, the mean histogram and histogram
series approaches perform equally when looking at
the percentage rates of the identification. The differ-
ences between the two approaches are most profound
in the Basement and Novi sequences. The histogram
series approach contains no ignore category which
leads to a higher number of wrong new identifications
than compared with the mean histograms. However,
the method returns a significantly lower number of
wrong identifications in both sequences. It is seen
from the standard deviation of that the mean histo-
gram exhibits a more stable performance than the his-
togram series on correct identifications whereas the
opposite seems to be the case for wrong identifica-
tions. The number of wrong identifications is low
across the board, so the weak spots are the wrong
new- and ignored-counts which are rather high. Most
new passes are correctly classified as such, at around
29-32 of 35 in the basement sequence, 8/10 and 21/22
in the Hallway and Novi sequences respectively.
The benefit of the ignore-functionality in the mean
histogram model is illustrated in fig. 5. Blue columns
are a histogram of distances between mean histo-
grams of the same person, while red columns are
a histogram of distances between different persons.
The overlap between these shows that is it not pos-
sible to achieve perfect classification with a 1d de-
cision boundary in this case. To counter this, an ig-
nore zone is introduced - the space between the green
and the yellow line, the thresholds, which can to some
extent mitigate the effects of this overlap. In real-
ity, when training on a subset of the data, the ignore
zones are generally wider than in this example. It is
possible that a classification in a higher dimensional