In this paper, we presented HSRM-Tracking, a
method for robustly estimating and tracking the pose
of multiple infrared markers with a single monocu-
lar camera. Thereby, individual markers can be cor-
rectly recognized in each single camera frame and
distinguished based on the cross ratio of four collinear
LEDs. Our evaluation results show that HSRM-
Tracking is able to precisely capture fine and rapid
movement up to 1000 Hz in a large area neglecting
bandwidth limitations of current cameras.
The proposed method could easily be adapted for
use in a multi-camera system where each camera runs
in parallel in a separate tracking thread. Thus, cam-
eras with different frame rates could be combined to
track the markers asynchronously and contribute to
a synchronized result whenever a new measurement
is available, making camera synchronization unnec-
essary. Being able to estimate the marker pose from a
single camera would also vastly increase the track-
ing volume of a multi camera setup and could be
used in conjunction with stereo methods, whenever
the marker is visible in more than one camera. Such a
setup would also benefit from the LED identification
scheme, since the markers could be used in order to
dynamically calibrate the multi-camera system with-
out having to solve stereo correspondence problems.
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