higher energy demand and thus leads to faster
muscle fatigue.
However, neither amplitude or pulse duration
appears to influence the increased percent fatigue of
SQ wave, since it presented lower amplitude and
pulse duration than that with the best results (77 mA
and 195 µs vs 92 mA and 375 µs). A recent study
showed no change in fatigue with increase of current
amplitude or pulse duration (Gorgey et al., 2009).
These parameters cause an increase of active area in
stimulated muscle (Gorgey et al., 2009). These
findings may indicate that, although the differences
were not statistically significant, wave shape might
be responsible for the slight variations.
We cannot neglect to mention that there are few
works that study the effect of the waveform on
muscle fatigue and the independent study of the
effect of NMES parameters (frequency, pulse
duration and amplitude) on fatigue were made using
exclusively the standard wave, which gives rise to
reserves as to whether generalizations can be made
for other waves.
Relatively to level comfort, results indicate that
TR wave (mean 5 ± 2,5 on VAS score) is
significantly more comfortable than SQ wave (mean
6,7± 2,7, on VAS score). Our work does not
confirms the conclusions of Delitto and Rose
(1986), who found that individual differences exist
as far as tolerance to various waveforms (square,
triangular and sinusoidal) is concerned and that no
waveform tested can be considered optimally
comfortable than the others.
The TR waveform, as used in our study,
consisted of higher amplitude and pulse duration
than that of the SQ wave, but evoked lower percent
of maximum voluntary isometric contraction
(MVIC). With longer duration of this pulse within
the interval 200-400 µs clinical is which according
to some research is a good relationship between
efficiency and comfort to the patient (Lyons,
Sinkjaer, Burridge and Wilcox, 2002). Best results
of the TR wave could suggest that the subjects may
find an electrically elicited contraction more
comfortable at current amplitude producing lower
percentages of the MVIC than amplitude producing
higher percentages of the MVIC.
The use of the visual analogous scale (VAS) in
this study offers an alternative for measuring the
comfort levels (Kersten, 2012). VAS has been
reported to be accurate, sensitive, and reproducible
instruments for patients to report the degree of pain
they are experiencing.
No significant difference in the comfort scores
was seen on 3 groups, suggesting the order of the
administrations of waves do not interfere with
comfort perception, contrary to what Delitto and
Rose (1986) suggested.
From the results obtained in this study it is
possible to propose that the waveform does not
significantly influence muscle fatigue in healthy
individuals and that TR waveform provides more
comfort than the standard contraction wave, during
Despite minor differences, the best results of the
TR wave compared to the SQ wave (also at the level
of muscle fatigue) can be quite relevant for clinical
practice. Literature indicates that more efficient
stimulation of the nerve fiber is made using the
square wave, with pulse durations of less than 250s,
but the triangular wave shows equal (Robertson et
al., 2006) and perhaps better results in improved
comfort and reduced fatigue levels for patients.
The new systems of NMES on the market are
modifiable, so therapists can set parameters
(frequency, pulse duration, shape waveform, etc.)
and design custom electrical stimulation programs
for patients to use. Therefore future studies should
focus on the study of the waveform and its
combination with the other parameters, using larger
number of subjects. This study should be performed
in healthy and clinical populations.
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