theta/beta ratio and decreased beta relative power are
consistent with a meta-analytic review (Steven
Snyder and Hall, 2006). In a prospective study
(Quintana et al., 2007), rating scales readily
classified inattentive, impulsive, and/or hyperactive
symptoms as being due to ADHD, whereas only
EEG was specific. The use of theta and beta power
has produced more sensitivity and specificity in the
detection of ADHD in a diverse clinical sample,
rating scales and EEG were both sensitive markers.
EEG sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 100%,
was obtained whereas for ADHD-IV ratings scale
sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 22% was
obtained. Based on these statements, the quantitative
analysis of EEG (QEEG) is recommended to support
the diagnosis of ADHD, in wich the theta/beta ratio
is relevant.
Pharmacological treatment of ADHD is
recommended in children and adolescents with this
characteristic behavior to prevent problems and
develop a proper conduct at home, school and with
peers. There are a variety of drugs that help to
improve the patient’s school performance, personal
interactions, life quality and self-esteem. The
treatment must be individualized and is important to
consider the possible occurrence of adverse drug
reactions to changes in therapy (Graham et al.,
2011). Better results have been shown when patients
receive both pharmacological and psychosocial
therapy (Fogelman and Kahan, 2007). Non
adherence to treatment is common in these patients,
so the clinical evolution may vary depending on
compliance or adherence to prescribed treatment.
Monitoring the therapeutic drug is important to
follow the progress of ADHD symptoms, showing
when the patient responds favorably to treatment
and detecting cases in which the pharmacotherapy is
not being effective, allowing to search causes or
change the treatment schedule. For this, ratings
scales and performance tests can be used
(Vaquerizo-Madrid, 2008)(Herrán Paz et al., 2014),
however, the same subjectivity is recognized, the
questionnaires NICHQ Vanderbilt for parents and
teachers, is useful for this purpose (Wolraich et al.,
2012)(Becker et al., 2012), but based on the findings
of Snyders et al. (Steven Snyder and Hall, 2006),
(Steven Snyder et al., 2008), the EEG analysis could
be useful for therapeutic monitoring of the patient
clinical evolution.
Considering that ADHD has a characteristic
pattern useful for its diagnosis, this retrospective
study was performed in order to assess whether the
theta/beta ratio can be regarded as an indicator of the
evolution of pediatric patients receiving treatment
for this neurobehavioral disorder.
2.1 Patients Files
This is a retrospective, non-randomized study.
Clinical files of sixteen ADHD pediatric and
adolescent patients were screened. There were 12
male and 4 female with mean age of 9.33 3.4 years
(range 4 - 16 years). The weight mean was 49
23.78 kg (21.61 - 95.34 Kg) and the height mean
was 1.43 0.74 m (1.17 – 1.75 m). A specialist on
neurological disorders made ADHD diagnosis based
on DSM-IV clinical assessment, structured interview
and EEG. The NICHQ Vanderbilt ratings scale was
found in five cases and these results were also
considered to evaluate the presence and severity of
the symptoms of ADHD. Patients with ADHD
diagnosis, comorbilities (like oppositional defiant
disorder or conduct disorder, anxiety and
depression) and that were under pharmacological
treatment were included.
The analysis of EEG
signals of children and adolescents with ADHD
diagnosis, who received pharmacological treatment
for at least one year and have at least 2 EEG studies
(67 studies considered in total), is presented.
Exclusion criteria included a history of seizure,
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dissocial disorder
and known serious medical problems, metal plate or
metal device in the head.
EEG studies were performed according to
International 10-20 System with at least 1 year apart.
The analysis of the EEG signals was performed
using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to obtain
frequency bands: delta (0.5–3.5 Hz), theta (4.0–7.5
Hz), alpha (8.0–12.5 Hz), beta (13.0– 31 Hz) and
sub-divisions: delta 1 (0.5–1.5 Hz), delta 2 (2 – 3.5),
and beta 1 (13.0– 20.5 Hz) y beta 2 (21 – 31.5), the
periodogram and the power ratio of theta/beta bands.
Patient outcome was assessed based on medical
records, remission reports from NICHQ Vanderbilt
ratings scale and analysis of EEG signals (2 to 6
EEG’s per patient).
2.2 EEG
EEG studies were obtained using a digital device for
brain electrical activity mapping, Cadwell 32 ch.
EEG Amplifier, EASY II v. 2.1. The person
responsible for placing the electrodes and obtain