produced a correct identity instance in 75% of cases,
in comparison to 61% and 54% for TPS-RPM and
SC methods, respectively; confirming the usefulness
of saliency-biased registration in animal biometrics.
A method for ordering points in a set on a measure
of distinguishability, contextual saliency, has been
introduced in this paper. Ordering on this basis is
shown to be tolerant of noise and perspective
transformation, as well as be predictive of
correspondence, in synthetic experiments.
This information is leveraged in an iterative non-
rigid registration algorithm, Ψ-Match. A case study
on a difficult real-world manta ray data set found
improved performance for a recognition system
using Ψ-Match registration in comparison to the
same setup using either shape context (Belongie et
al., 2002) or TPS-RPM (Chui & Rangarajan, 2003)
registration algorithms.
We thank Fit4Change Ltd for funding this work. We
would also like to acknowledge Guy Stevens and the
Manta Trust for image provision, and Mike Preager
for help with ground truth annotations.
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