performance, when number of RFID tag increased,
the tag collision rate will be increased as well; this
may result a low tag recognition rate.
The tree-based schemes use a data structure
similar to a binary search algorithm, such as binary
tree splitting protocol (Myung et al., 2006), query
tree (QT) algorithm, and tree working algorithm
(Capetanakis, 1979; Feng et al., 2006). An RFID
reader consecutively communicates with tags by
sending prefix codes based on the query tree data
structure. Only tags in the reader’s interrogation
zone and of which ID match the prefix respond. The
reader can identify a tag if only one tag respond the
inquiry. Otherwise the tags responses will be
collided if multiple tags respond simultaneously.
Although tree based protocols deliver 100%
guaranteed read rates, but they have relatively long
identification delay. Recently, a hybrid query tree
protocol (HQT) (Ryu et al., 2007) was proposed and
aiming to reduce transmission overhead by using 4-
ary search tree mechanism and slotted backoff
mechanism, in order to speed up tag identification
and to increase the overall read rate and throughput
in large-scale RFID systems. The main idea of the
HQT technique is to reduce the number of collisions
during the identification phase. In the 4-ary search
tree mechanism, the prefix string of a collided query
will be extended by 2-bits next time, unlike of 1-bit
in the QT protocol. This way, collisions can be
reduced substantially. Furthermore, the HQT
protocol was aiming to reduce the idle cycles by
using a slotted backoff mechanism. When a tag
responds to a reader, it sets its backoff timer using a
part of its ID. If there is a collision (multiple tags
respond), the reader can partially deduce how the
IDs of tags are distributed and potentially reduce
unnecessary queries.
Based on the HQT protocol, a H
QT protocol
(Kim and Lee, 2009) was proposed and aiming to
reduce the idle cycles and improve the performance
of tag identification. Although the H
QT technique
performs better than the HQT technique in reducing
the number of idle cycles, it still has some idle
cycles, which cannot be reduced during the tag
identification process. In this paper, we proposed a
pre-detection based protocol, called Adaptive Pre-
Detection Based Query Tree (APDBQT) protocol, to
eliminate those unnecessary idle cycles. To evaluate
the performance of our proposed technique, we have
implemented our proposed APDBQT scheme along
with previous proposed methods, HQT and H
protocols. The experimental results show that the
proposed technique presents significant
improvement in most circumstance.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Related work is discussed in Section II. In
Section III, the tree based tag identification
algorithm is introduced as preliminary of this study.
In Section IV, our proposed algorithm, the APDBQT
algorithm is presented. Performance comparisons
and analysis of the proposed technique will be given
in Section V. Finally, in Section VI, some
concluding remarks are made.
Many research results for collision avoidance have
been presented in literature. The existing tag
identification approaches can be classified into two
main categories, the Aloha-based anti-collision
scheme (Vogt, 2002; Law et al., 2000; Lee et al.,
2005; Park et al., 2007; Klair et al., 2007) and the
tree-based scheme (myung et al., 2006; Capetanakis,
1979; Zhou et al., 2003; Feng et al., 2006). RFID
readers in the former scheme create a frame with a
certain number of time slots, and then add the frame
length into the inquiry message sent to the tags in its
vicinity. Tags response the interrogation based on a
random time slot. Because collisions may happen at
the time slot when two or more tag response
simultaneously, making those tags could not be
recognized. Therefore, the readers have to send
inquiries contiguously until all tags are identified.
As a result, Aloha-based scheme might have long
processing latency in identifying large-scale RFID
systems (Law et al., 2000). In (Vogt, 2002), Vogt et
al. investigated how to recognize multiple RFID tags
within the reader’s interrogation ranges without
knowing the number of tags in advance by using
framed Aloha. A similar research is also presented in
(Zhen et al., 2005) by Zhen et al. In (Klair et al.,
2007), Klair et al. also presented a detailed
analytical methodology and an in-depth qualitative
energy consumption analysis of pure and slotted
Aloha anti-collision protocols. Another anti-collision
algorithm called enhanced dynamic framed slotted
aloha (EDFSA) is proposed in (Lee et al., 2005).
EDFSA estimates the number of unread tags first
and adjusts the number of responding tags or the
frame size to give the optimal system efficiency.
In tree-based scheme, such as ABS (Myung et al.,
2006), Improved Bit-by-bit Binary-Tree (IBBT)
(Choi et al., 2004) and IQT (Sahoo et al., 2006),
RFID readers split the set of tags into two subsets
and labeled them by binary numbers. The reader
repeats such process until each subset has only one
tag. Thus, the reader is able to identify all tags. The