into political orientation with a very high accuracy.
In particular, we show that using only the Facebook
party pages, which is publicly available, as the
training set, obtained the highest accuracy
classification results for the individual Facebook
pages. This result can be explained by the relatively
high resemblance between the most characteristic
features in both the private and party Facebook
pages. In both corpora, the right wing is
characterized by references to religion and
patriotism, as well as first-person pronouns, while
the left wing is characterized by references to
protests and third-person pronouns. The significance
of this result is that it suggests that using only
inherently tagged data like party pages can be used
to classify non-political pages. This saves the need
to gather personal pages already labeled for political
orientation as training examples.
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objective; however, seemingly the general
population perceives and associates each newspaper
with a certain political orientation. In this research,
we were able to confirm the general consensus
regarding the newspapers' political orientation by
applying the classifier we built using the corpora of
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