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Table 8: Experimental test-set description.
No. Identifier Fiber Type Color Donor
Natural Fibers: Animal Hair - Alpaca Wool
1 AWB alpaca wool beige new wool thread
2 AWBR alpaca wool brown new wool thread
3 AWG alpaca wool green new wool thread
4 AWS alpaca wool black new wool thread
5 AWW alpaca wool white new wool thread
Natural Fibers: Animal Hair - Sheep Wool
6 SWB sheep wool beige used sweater
7 SWG sheep wool gray used sweater
8 SWO sheep wool olive-green used sweater
9 SWR sheep wool red used cardigan
10 SWS sheep wool black used cardigan
Natural Fibers: Plant - Cotton
11 BWW cotton white used shorts
12 BWR cotton red used shorts
13 BWK cotton khaki used shirt
14 BWG cotton light gray used shorts
15 BWS cotton black used T-shirt
Chemical Fibers - Acrylic
16 ACB acrylic blue used knitted cap
17 ACG acrylic gray used knitted cap
18 ACDG acrylic dark gray used knitted cap
19 ACS acrylic black used cap
20 ACW acrylic white used cap
Chemical Fibers - Polyester
21 PEB polyester blue new sewing thread
22 PEG Polyester yellow new sewing thread
23 PER Polyester red new sewing thread
24 PES Polyester black new sewing thread
25 PEW Polyester white new sewing thread