This study aims to present the relationship between
physical flows and cash flows through a supply
chain. The different actors of a supply chain should
carefully understand the relationship between supply
chain material activities and cash flows in order to
make operational decisions which will not
jeopardize the whole supply chain. While taking
such decisions, the goal still is to propose the highest
productivity among the supply chain. The problem is
modeled as a Job-shop scheduling problem with
financial consideration as an additional constraint. In
this study it is proposed to schedule operations or
activities while handling cash flows on treasuries in
order to always have a positive cash position. As a
consequence, the results of our study could also
affect the costs of bank overdraft that could be
negotiated. Our case study shows the relevance of
the proposed approach for a “company supply
chain”, since cash flow constraint is addressed
simultaneously with operational planning and
scheduling. Even if a mixed integer linear program
is proposed, it is difficult to solve the problem
exactly since it considers both operation scheduling
and cash-flow resolution simultaneously.
Furthermore, our instances were not representative
of the size of the problems that could be encountered
in the industry. Therefore a strong metaheuristic has
been implemented, the GRASPxELS, in order to
obtain faster results. The provided results are of
good quality, closed to the best solutions
encountered thanks to the solver which validate our
work. This study comes in addition of the past ones
on the subject of Job-shop’s like scheduling
problems with extra cash-flow constraints. A
dynamic Job-shop with random payment delays for
suppliers could be mentioned as a future study, or
the use of a flexible Job-shop model with different
payment costs depending on the chosen logistic units
for the activities.
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