like to see if a physiological-based DDA is more
effective than score-based DDA in CP's
rehabilitation, and in what ways it is more effective.
We would also like to try others devices than
BITalino (such as the Kinect 2, able to track the
blood flow of the user). Eventually, we would also
like to improve the existing system, by training a
more accurate classifier (Liu et al., suggested to use
a Regression Tree classifier).
We successfully managed to implement a philologi-
cal-based DDA in an adaptive interface (the CRP).
This DDA uses the EDA and ECG signals of the
user. From those signals, it extract its important
features (such as GSR and HR), in order to accurate-
ly classify user's affective state. Using 2 trained
SVM (one for boredom affect state, one for anxiety
affect state), the DDA is able to know if the user is
bored, anxious or likely to be in the flow affect state,
and therefore to increase, decrease, or not change the
difficulty. By providing such a DDA, we would like
to propose a more effective DDA in order (1) to
improve rehabilitation, (2), to allow the patient to be
less dependent of the patrician.
In our future study, we will see if the
physiological-based DDA presented in this work is
more effective than a straightforward score-based
DDA in CP's rehabilitation. To do so, it will be
necessary to retrain the SVMs, since the SVMs data
in our experiment came from adults, and CP
rehabilitation is for children. During the training, it
will be also necessary to propose a “boring”
application and an “anxious” application which ask
the user to perform a physical effort on his upper-
body. Luckily enough, Rehab-Island seem adapted
to propose such applications.
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