A Novel Approach to Text-based Job Name Clustering with Correlation Analysis
Zunhe Liu, Yan Liu, Xiao Yang, Shengyu Guo and Buyang Cao
Department of Software Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Correlation Analysis, TF-IDF, Jobname Clustering, Hadoop Anomaly Detection.
Job name clustering gradually becomes more and more important in terms of numerous anomaly detections
and analysis of cloud performance nowadays. Unlike crude texts, job name is a kind of sequential characters
or tokens. This made it a challenge for clustering based on job name text. In this paper we analysis the
correlation between columns and use user-job correlation to improve classic algorithm TF-IDF. We optimize
words tokenizing and feature sets generating. We use hierarchical clustering methods to implement experience.
Finally we develop a module and evaluate the performance of optimized algorithm, delivering it as a product
to a prestige e-commerce company.
Detection of execution anomalies is important for
the maintenance, development, and performance of
large scale distributed systems. Anomalies detection
(Chandola et al., 2009)focuses on both work flow er-
rors and low performance problems. Now software
often uses system logs produced by distributed sys-
tems for troubleshooting and diagnosis. However,
manually inspecting system logs to detection is un-
feasible due to the increasing scale and complexity of
logs(Lou et al., 2010). Thus there is a great demand
for automatic anomaly detection techniques based on
log analysis.
The cloud computing continues to grow at an
amazing speed. At the same time, there is also a
quickly growing requirement of anomaly detection
and cloud computing performance analysis. This
leads to challenges that logs and information exists
in the text or hypertext documents managed in an or-
ganized format.
Compared to classic text clustering methods, 3
major challenges must be addressed for clustering
text-based job name clustering.
Large size of job name: this requires algorithm to
deal with large size of keywords
Multiple tokens of job name: this require algo-
rithm to split and tokenize job name by a sufficient
Multiple columns of information: can be used as
context to analyze relations between columns.
A lot of different text clustering algorithms have
been proposed in the literature, including bisecting
k-means(Huang, 1998), Scatter/Gather(Cutting et al.,
1992), Apriori(Perego et al., 2001). These algorithms
are efficient but not sufficient in the circumstances
Another challenge is how to define the evalua-
tion of each keyword. The log consists of multi-
ple columns of information, including job name, user
name and other attributes of job(Fu et al., 2009).
Based on TF-IDF algorithm(Ramos, 2003), we need
documents and its keyword sets. In the log infor-
mation data, there is no column or entity of docu-
ment(Beil et al., 2002).
In order to solve the challenges above, we de-
sign an approach ”Croujaction”. This approach uses
correlation between text for clustering. It describes
how to cluster text contents which are stored in dif-
ferent columns in file. By using the correlation be-
tween columns, the approach avoids the disadvantage
of TF-IDF algorithm which is needed a document en-
tity when building vector-space. It allows us reduce
the dimensionality of representative word and opti-
mize the time consumption performance.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 briefly introduces the related work and theo-
ries. In section 3, we analyze the correlation between
username and jobname. Conducting statistical knowl-
Liu Z., Liu Y., Yang X., Guo S. and Cao B..
Croujaction - A Novel Approach to Text-based Job Name Clustering with Correlation Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0005271601990204
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2015), pages 199-204
ISBN: 978-989-758-075-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
edge, we prove the relation correctness. In section 4,
we introduce our novel approach of text based clus-
tering and present the approach Croujaction. Section
5 reports its evaluation and improvements. Section 6
summarizes the paper and outlines some directions in
future work.
Hadoop-based large scale distributed systems are be-
coming key engines of IT industry. However, most
systems generate and collect logs and developers de-
tect anomalies by manually checking system printed
logs(Tan et al., 2009). It is very time consuming to di-
agnose through manually examine a great amount of
log messages produced by a large scaled distributed
All methods of text clustering require several steps
of preprocessing of the data(Neto et al., 2000). First,
any non-textual information is removed from the doc-
uments. Then a term is a sequence of characters sep-
arated from other terms by some delimiters.
Most text clustering algorithms rely on the so-
called vector-space model. In this model, each text
document d is represented by a vector of frequencies
of the containing m terms:
d = (t f
,...,t f
). (1)
Often, the vectors are normalized to same length to
allow comparison between documents of different
lengths. Even though the vector-space has a very high
dimensionality after preprocessing.
To measure the similarity between two document
and d
represented in the vector space model, typ-
ically the cosine measure is used which is defined by
the cosine of the angle between two vectors:
) =
· d
where d
· d
denotes the vector dot product and de-
notes the length of a vector.
Frequent patterns(Beil et al., 2002) are patterns (such
as itemsets, subsequences, or substructures) that ap-
pear in a data set frequently.
Let A be a set of items. An association rule is an
implication of the form A B. The rule A B holds
in the transaction set D with support s, where s is the
percentage of transactions in D that contain A B.
This is taken to be the probability P(A B). The rule
A B has confidence c, where c is the percentage
of transactions in D containing A that also contain B.
This is taken to be the conditional probability P(B |
A). That is,
support(A B) = P(A B) (3)
con f idence(A B) = P(B|A) (4)
con f idence(A B) = P(B|A)
= support(A B)/support(A) (5)
After analysis, we dig out that column username
and jobname having a strong correlation. Respec-
tive user in system always submits a bunch of specific
jobs. On the other hand, a series type of jobs are al-
ways can be categorized by a specific user. Hence, we
can assume that for all jobs named j in log file. There
always exists a high confidence and support that it be-
longs to the user u.
In the anomaly detection process, the log analyzer
is presented with log files generated by system with
columns of data. the system scatters the data into
a number of system-designed document groups by
the value of column username. Based on these doc-
uments, the algorithm select each for further study.
Each document is processed based on TF-IDF algo-
rithm and generate a vector-space for keywords in it.
With all jobname texts in documents generating the
keyword vector-space, the system could calculate the
similarity of each two jobname and cluster job names
by similarity.
4.1 Data Preprocessing
One of the major problems in text clustering is that a
document can contain a very large number of words.
It requires crucially an approach to apply preprocess-
ing procedure that could greatly reduce the number of
dimensions. Our system applies several preprocess-
ing methods to the original job names, also namely
documents, including numeric digits replacement, re-
moval of stop words. Each of these methods will be
briefly discussed next.
We now describe numeric digits replacement,
where the job name is partially replaced by punctu-
ation symbols. Replacement is applied to normalize
Figure 1: ID replacement result.
the job name because job name consist of some times-
tamps or meaningless numeric character sequences.
Based on the timestamp format in the cloud system,
Regex is designed and used to substitute timestamp
with punctuation symbols.
Figure 1 shows job names before and after ID re-
4.2 Terms Representation
Data representation is usually straightforward. In
general, data is represented as a set of records, where
each record is a set of attribute values.
The term frequency of a word w in a document
d, denoted TF (w, d), is the number of times that the
word w occurs in document d. the higher the TF (w,
d), the more the word w is representative of document
The document frequency of a word w, denoted DF
(w), is the number of documents in which w occurs.
The inverse document frequency of a word w, denoted
IDF (w) is given by the formula:
IDF(w) = 1 + log(|D|/DF(w)) (6)
Hence, the IDF (w) of a word w is low if this word
occurs in many documents, indicating that the word
has little representative power in documents. Oppo-
sitely, the IDF (w) of a word w is high if this word
occurs in few documents, indicating the word has a
great representative power.
In practice, we want words that have a high TF
and a high IDF. We indicate the words importance of
representative in the following formula:
T F IDF(w,d) = T F(w,d) × IDF(w) (7)
4.3 Job Name Delimitating and
Building Vector-Space
This section is intended to delimiter each job name
into terms and build its vector-space. Based on the
data representation and preprocessing, we need to de-
limitate each job name and calculate the TF-IDF value
for each word.
First System applies splitting method to each job
name. By using the replacement rules in the data pre-
processing procedure, system defines a series of sym-
bols as split tokenizes.
Next is the most important part in approach, sys-
tem groups job names by user name. Each group of
data is regarded as a document. After grouping, sys-
tem splits each job name into terms in each group,
building vector-space for each. Then system collects
all the terms in each job name vector-space and calcu-
lates the occurrence of every term in it. Based on TF-
IDF algorithm and our correlation analysis, we calcu-
late TF-IDF value and assign it to each term. After all
the procedure above, system builds vector-space for
every job name with a representative value for each
term within. Then system could calculate jobname
similarity by using vectors.
4.4 Job Name Similarity Calculation
After building vector-space for each job name in data
set, system can calculate cosine value between any
two vectors. Cosine similarity is a measure of simi-
larity between two vectors of an inner product space
that measures the cosine of the angle between them.
The cosine of 0
is 1, and it is less than 1 for any
other angle. It is thus a judgment of orientation and
not magnitude: two vectors with the same orientation
have a Cosine similarity of 1, two vectors at 90
a similarity of 0, and two vectors diametrically op-
posed have a similarity of -1, independent of their
magnitude. Cosine similarity is particularly used in
positive space, where the outcome is neatly bounded
in [0,1].
4.5 Clustering Algorithm
Two different types of document clusters methodol-
ogy can be constructed. One is a flat partition of the
documents into a collection of subsets. The other is a
hierarchical cluster, which can be defined recursively
as either an individual document or a partition into
sets, each of which is hierarchically clustered.
Partitioning Clustering
Seed-base partitioning clustering algorithm has three
1. Find k centers.
2. Assign each document in the collection to a cen-
3. Refine the partition so constructed.
The result is a set of P of k disjoints document
groups that each element in the data set belongs to
one particular cluster.
Figure 2: Pseudo Code of Croujaction.
Cluster initial procedure is intended to find cen-
ters in the data set. Particular in our system, the al-
gorithm is applied to find one single center by ran-
domly in Step 1. We implement Step 2 by assign
each jobname to the selected center. Group the job-
name to the selected center by a similarity compari-
son. Then system finds another center from the rest
of job names as cluster initial procedure does and ex-
ecutes the previous steps again until all job names in
data set have been clustered to one group. In Step 3,
system squeezes each group clustered by running pre-
vious 2 steps. System calculates average similarity of
each group and compares it to a threshold of average
similarity. If below average threshold, system would
assign the whole procedure to this group iteratively
until every sub-group satisfies average threshold.
Pseudo Code
Algorithm Crroujaction works with a hadoop log file,
starting with a procedure scanning every jobname and
applying preprocessing to it. It continues selecting
each jobname and username pair as input. The al-
gorithm groups jobname into document by username
in this procedure by. Then it delimiters every job-
name in each document and build vector-space with
calculating coordinates. Next, each jobname builds
its own vector-space by fetching its keyword corre-
sponding coordinate from which in document. In the
last step, system initials a jobname as center and cal-
culates similarity of center and every jobname in log
file. It continues calculating and clustering with job-
name as step above until every jobname in file having
been clustered in a cluster. Figure 2 presents algo-
rithm croujaction in pseudo-code.
Figure 3: Decrease Ratio.
Croujaction has been evaluated on real hadoop log file
for anomaly detection. It provides the service for de-
tection analyzer for jobname clustering. In this part,
we present a hadoop log file of a days history data. We
apply croujaction algorithm to the data. In section 5.1,
we describe the history data and conduct correlation
analysis. Section 5.2 reports the main experimental
result by illustrating clustering diagram.
5.1 History Data
To test and verify cluster algorithms, we collected 4
days’ history data from a hadoop cloud computing
Data Set : data set contains 13 columns and nearly
15,000 rows items. It contains lots of job execution
attributes including states, time, MapReduce numbers
and so on. In our experiment, we focus on jobname
and username these two columns.
First in order to evaluate system performance of
data preprocessing procedure, we apply our replace-
ment method to 4 different data sets. According to the
replacement rule designed in section 4.1, we calculate
the amount of job variety before and after the replace-
ment procedure. Then, we calculate decrease ratio of
job name. Figure 3 shows the result of experiment.
After the experiment, it shows that data prepro-
cessing has an efficient effect on decreasing job name
variety. Especially on that kind of job occurs only
once with a particular timestamp or ID. Preprocess-
ing erases the original effect because of meaningless
character sequences in the job name.
5.2 Evaluation of Croujaction
To evaluate the clustering quality of algorithm, we
design three experiments with different average sim-
ilarity for each cluster. Based on the data processing
above, we apply the clustering algorithm to the data
set. First average similarity of experiment is 50%,
while second one is 75% and third one is 90%. Due to
the large size of data set, we extract typical jobnames
Figure 4: Croujaction Cluster Results.
and compress it to a proper size for a better showcase.
Figure 4 illustrates the results and drawing cluster-
ing in snapshots. Red line is used to separate different
jobname clusters.
We observe that as the average similarity threshold
increase more groups are clustered. A higher similar-
ity threshold yields a better clustering performance.
Note that in 90% diagram, compared with 50%, it
provides a more accurate jobname clustering.
In this paper, we presented a novel approach for text
clustering. We introduced the algorithm Croujaction
for hadoop log file analysis. It helps solve text clus-
tering limitation caused by data storing in different
columns in log file when using TF-IDF algorithm. In
our experimental evaluation on the data set, we find
correlation between different columns and group job
names by user name as one document. This provides
efficient foundations for text clustering. It presents
a methodology for analyzing and clustering text con-
tents in log file. It details the approach which could
be used for correlation refine in contexts with columns
6.1 Limitation and Advantage
In our algorithm, we reference TF-IDF and we have
seen that TF-IDF is efficient and simple for calculat-
ing similarity between texts. TF-IDF has its limita-
tions. In terms of synonyms, it does make the re-
lationship between words. In our system, we could
avoid this limitation because we dont need to worry
about semantic synonyms. We regard every word as
string object and just compare them by characters.
6.2 Future Work
Finally, we would like to outline a few directions for
future research. We already noticed that the most
important parts in text base job name clustering are
1) data preprocessing 2) building vector-space and 3)
clustering algorithm.
We could find out an improvement in data prepro-
cessing especially a better replacement rule to mean-
ingless characters. This could significantly speed-up
in term delimitating process and help building vector-
space more precisely. When system calculate vec-
tor ordinate for word, in job name, system could find
more properties of word and apply some weight value
to each word. This process may make the similarity
calculation more accurate. In our approach, system
just uses the simplest hierarchical clustering method
in the last step of clustering. We plan to assign some
other algorithms in data mining to our system. Thus,
we improve the time efficiency and memory space
in clustering process. In other perspective, we could
deepen correlation analysis between more columns,
complementing the space-vector building in TF-IDF
This work was financially supported by China Intelli-
gent Urbanization Co-Creation Center for High Den-
sity Region (CIUC2014004).
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