defining a two way mapping, and is domain
independent. The proposed pattern promotes
reutilization by offering a technique allowing to
convey logic rules, like decision logic, from
metamodel elements to their instances. This allows
upgrading from illustrative metamodels to formal
specification languages with semantic expressiveness
capabilities and visual representation.
Applying this pattern, we have elaborated an
access control metamodel IM as a comprehensive
metamodel for hybrid AC policies. Although other
metamodels were proposed in the literature, IM
represents a realistic advance toward an AC
specification language that allows formal verification
of properties, promotes non-ambiguity, reduces
complexity and supports readability and clarity. This
is achieved by operating on four axes. First, the formal
semantics carried by the FOL mapping provides the
base for property verification using reasoning on FOL
clauses. Second, the IM integration capability allows
reducing the complexity of AC specification by
separating the specification into well-structured and
well-defined AC metamodel instances. Third, IM
supports refinement and modularity with a visual
representation based on an ADT tree structure that can
be unfolded to selectively display progressively more
detailed elements in AC metamodel instances or
combining algorithms. Fourth, each AC metamodel
allows the reutilization of its encapsulated AC
decision logic and relevant elements.
We plan to develop an IM specification editing
tool supporting the generation of IM instances with
their corresponding synchronized textual specifica-
tions. This tool will also support syntax validation and
property verification techniques.
This research was funded in part by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
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