Table 2: A HW-SW Comparison of the Image Coding (Encryption and Authentication).
Compared Value Software Hardware Unit
Time needed to encode one JPEG frame 100 14.4 msec
Time needed to encrypte and authenticate one JPEG frame 209.6 1.54 msec
Time needed to encode, encrypt and authenticate one JPEG frame 309.6 15.9 msec
Throughput 3.2 62.8 fps
Measured prone power consumption while hovering 220 223.36 watt
Estimated flight time under maximum possible throughput 9.03 8.89 minute
as expected a clear throughput advantage when com-
pared to a similar software implementation. In con-
trast, the power consumption of the hardware solu-
tion exceeds that of the software alternative due to the
extra weight of the FPGA board. It can be assumed
that this aspect gets more relevant for low-weight mi-
crodrones that need to meet security requirements.
Specifically, such vehicles have very limited com-
putational power, as a rule, and are expected to fail
to support cryptographic functions. While enhanc-
ing these vehicles with cryptoprocessors can solve the
performance issue, the relative weight of the addi-
tional hardware can significantly worsen the power
consumption of the device and thus its flight time.
The specification and the modeling of this aspect is an
interesting research question that will be addressed in
future work.
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