) ! " £ $ % ^ & * ( ,,.
Speed limits
Lane indication arrows
Cycle Lane
Speed bump
Give way
Figure 1: (top) Full character set for typeface on which text
road markings are based (bottom) full set of road marking
symbols which appear in the data-set.
on their relative size and proximity, so that they can be
classified using separate recognition stages. Symbol-
based markings are recognised using histogram of ori-
ented gradients (HOG) and linear support vector ma-
chines (SVM). Text words are recognised using an
open-source optical character recognition (OCR) en-
gine, Tesseract (Google, 2013), after a further correc-
tion transform has been applied. Recognised words
and symbols are matched across consecutive frames
so that recognition results can be improved via tempo-
ral fusion. The total system pipeline for the algorithm
is shown in Figure 2.
In Section 2, an overview of related work is pro-
vided. Section 3 describes the stage for the detection
and sorting of candidate regions. Sections 4 and 5
focus on the recognition steps for text and symbols,
respectively. In Section 6, the temporal aspects of the
method are described. In Section 7, experimental re-
sults are presented. Finally, in Section 8, conclusions
are drawn.
Research on road marking detection can be broadly
divided into two categories, one of which focusses on
lane division markings, such as (Hanwell and Mirme-
hdi, 2009; Chen and Ellis, 2013; Bottazzi et al., 2013;
Zhang et al., 2013; Huang et al., 2013), and the other
on symbol or text based markings, such as(Rebut
et al., 2004; Vacek et al., 2007; Li et al., 2007; Khey-
rollahi and Breckon, 2010; Danescu and Nedevschi,
2010; Wu and Ranganathan, 2012), which provide se-
mantic information to the driver.
In cases where symbols painted on the road sur-
face are detected and recognised, the total number of
symbol types which are classified is generally very
limited, often focussing on just arrows or rectangu-
lar elements (Rebut et al., 2004; Vacek et al., 2007; Li
et al., 2007; Danescu and Nedevschi, 2010). For sym-
bol detection, several of these works employ an IPM
to remove perspective distortion of the road surface,
and hence the markings painted on it, such as(Rebut
et al., 2004; Li et al., 2007; Kheyrollahi and Breckon,
2010; Wu and Ranganathan, 2012). The only papers
that deal with the recognition of road surface text are
(Kheyrollahi and Breckon, 2010) and (Wu and Ran-
ganathan, 2012).
(Kheyrollahi and Breckon, 2010) present a
method for detecting and recognising both text and
symbols on the road surface. An IPM is applied
to each frame, after the image vanishing point (VP)
has been automatically detected. Regions of interest
(ROI) are then detected in the IPM image by applying
an adaptive threshold, and finding CCs in the resulting
binary image. After applying some post-processing to
the detected shapes, such as orientation normalisation
and rejection of complex shapes, the region is clas-
sified. The recognition stage involves the extraction
of a feature vector from each candidate CC, which
includes several shape based features. Each region
is then classified using a neural network trained us-
ing real road footage. An accumulator of symbols
is used to combine results over several frames, and
eliminate single frame false positives. The method is
limited to recognising only 7 symbols and 16 charac-
ters rather than the full alphabet, and is also limited to
recognising only 19 unique predefined words. The au-
thors report true positive rates of 85.2% and 80.7% for
recognition of arrows and text, respectively, with their
method taking 60-90 ms to process a single frame.
(Wu and Ranganathan, 2012) propose a method
for the detection and classification of text and sym-
bols painted on the road surface. ROIs are detected
in each frame as MSERs in an IPM transformed ver-
sion of the image. The FAST feature detector is then
used to extract points of interest (POI) from each ROI.
A feature vector is then found for each POI using
HOG, and the region is classified through compari-
son with a set of template images. Although Wu and
Ranganathan recognise both text and symbols using
template matching, entire words are treated as sin-
gle classes, and as a result only a small subset of
words are recognised. In this respect, their proposed
method does not provide ‘true’ text detection, as ar-
bitrary words (such as place names and their abbrevi-
ations) are not recognised. The authors report a true
positive rate of 90.1% and a false postive rate of 0.9%
for the combined recognition of arrows and text, at a