sors (not just their placement). The immediate impli-
cation of this more general problem formulation is a
significantly enlarged search space, due to increased
number of possible combinations of placements and
footprints. We address the increase in complexity us-
ing genetic algorithms (GAs). Evolutionary methods,
based on GAs, are frequently employed to explore
large problem spaces in order to identify high-quality
solutions. Our sensor placement problem naturally
belongs to this category. The GA technique elabo-
rated in this paper outperforms the greedy algorithm
in (Vlasenko et al., 2014) in two different aspects.
First it efficiently delivers placements with acceptable
coverage accuracy. For example, we have noted that it
reaches 94.81 percent coverage after just 50 seconds
of execution on an off-the-shelf personal computer.
Second, it delivers placements with higher-accuracy
when efficiency is not a factor. It is able to eventually
reach coverage of 100, whereas the greedy algorithm
can do no better that 98.58 percent.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2 we review earlier relevant research
in the same area. Section 3 presents details of our
mobility and sensor coverage model, as well as the
objective function. Section 4 provides a comprehen-
sive discussion of the GA methodology in the context
of our problem, and its parameters. Section 5 presents
simulation results. Finally, we conclude with a sum-
mary of the contributions of this work and some fu-
ture plans in Section 6.
The sensor placement problem is relevant to many
wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. Kang,
Li, and Xu (Kang et al., 2008) use a virus coevolution-
ary parthenogenetic algorithm (VEPGA) to optimize
sensor placement in large space structures (i.e., por-
tal frame and concrete dam) for modal identification
purposes. They concluded that their method outper-
forms the sequential reduction procedure. Rao and
Anandakumar (Rao and Anandakumar, 2007), also
addressing the sensor placement problem in large-
scale civil-engineering structures, developed a solu-
tion based on particle swarm optimization, another
evolutionary technique. Poe and Schmitt adopt a GA
approach to sensor placement for worst-case delay in
minimization (Poe and Schmitt, 2008). Comparing
their results against a exhaustive and a Monte-Carlo
method, they found out that these methods serve as an
upper and lower bound, respectively. Their method is
a fast and near-optimum solution for optimized place-
ment. These papers show that evolutionary methods
are preferred over the exhaustive search approaches.
However none of them consider as an objective that
of optimizing the number of sensors placed.
Yi, Li and Gu (Yi et al., 2011) compared evolu-
tionary methods for sensor placement and described a
generalized genetic algorithm (GGA) approach for a
predefined number of sensors. According to them the
GGA can get better results than the simple version
of the GA. They also describe a number of different
exhaustive and evolutionary methods to sensor place-
As we have already mentioned, the work concep-
tually closest to the method described in this paper is
our own previous work (Vlasenko et al., 2014) also
conducted in the context of the Smart-Condo
aiming at inexpensive placements for high-accuracy
localization of a individual in a home environment.
The greedy approach of (Vlasenko et al., 2014) iden-
tified sensor locations one at a time, resulting in ex-
ploring a large number of potential locations and, in
some cases, requiring a large amount of time. Our
method adopts evolution-based techniques to address
exactly these shortcomings.
In this section we detail the mobility and coverage
models and we introduce the terminology, notation,
and definitions (Table 1) used in the remaining of the
3.1 Basics of Localization
In order to improve localization accuracy, coverage
areas of the sensors are allowed to overlap. By having
the sensor coverage areas overlap the detection areas
will be reduced because the space is segmented into
new, smaller, polygons defined by the intersection of
the coverage areas. We consider as location of the
individual to be the center of mass of the polygon oc-
cupied by the individual. To illustrate this, Figure 1
is presented. In this figure A12 is the new polygon
that has been created as a result of the overlap of the
coverage areas A1 and A2. A12 has the least amount
of localization error among the regions (because R3
is less than R1, R2, and R4).
With respect to representation conventions, we
can consider each polygon (or, more generally, over-
lap area) to be defined by a specific signature signi-
fying the sensors that are “on” when an individual is
in that polygon. The signature can be represented by