Figure 5: Transmission spectra at various applied
pressures on the diaphragm. The centre position of the
Bragg structures are (0, 0), and (b) wavelength shift
versus the pressure when the centre position of the Bragg
structure are (0, 0), (45, 45), and (-84, 84).
represent the measured and simulated results,
respectively. The solid, dotted and dashed line show
the Δλ as the function of P when the center position
of the Bragg structure is (0, 0), (45, 45), and (-84,
84), respectively which shows a good linearity
between the output of the pressure sensor and the
measured pressure. The slopes of the lines C
= Δλ/P
is equal to the sensitivity of the nano-opto-
mechanical pressure sensor. C
is 1.55×10
when the center position of the Bragg structure is (0,
0) which is at least 1.42 times larger than that of the
(-84, 84). The resolution of the nano-opto-
mechanical pressure sensor is limited by the
resolution of the optical spectrum analyzer used in
the experiment. The optical spectrum analyzer
allows for a spectral resolution of approximately 2
pm. Consequently, the pressure resolution is 1.29
kPa which can be obtained by the Eq. (7).
In summary, a highly sensitive nano-opto-
mechanical pressure mapping sensor based on Bragg
structure is designed, fabricated and characterized
for pressures ranging from 0 kPa to 60 kPa. The
sensitivity as high as 1.55 pm/kPa has been
experimentally achieved which is in good agreement
with numerical prediction. The pressure sensor
structure make it possible to detect the shear stress
displacement distribution in highly accurate
measurement with low-cost advantages. The
characteristics indicate potential for various
applications such as mass sensor, bio-medical
sensors and optical integrated circuits etc.
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Output transmission (dBm)
60 kPa
0 kPa
0.093 nm
Pressure P
Wavelength shift (pm)
20 0
Position (0, 0)
Position (45, 45)
Position (-84, 84)
1.55 pm/kPa
1.09 pm/kPa
1.41 pm/kPa