The system framework design presented here is a
hybrid approach to a remote treatment monitoring
with a module of a cloud Personal Health Record for
the patient and the family (both functioning as home
use medical devices) and a module of an Electronic
Health Record for the specialist, based on an
integrative holistic approach of patient-and-family
centred, that could be linked to other medical
The main use requirement for the patient and the
family is active participation; for the patient to carry
the mobile device, especially in environments out of
home, to fulfil information of habits and perceptions
and for the family or caregiver and to fulfil
observation data of the patient’ habits and seizures.
Information collected in this way gives the
patient the possibility to share his or her health
history when an emergency occurs.
This framework is intended to be an holistic
approach design, considering all roles involved in a
remote treatment monitoring, the design
methodology could be used to design for other
chronic diseases.
Patient’s module could serve as a basic approach
to a pervasive system as well, reminding the patient
to keep an appropriate lifestyle and determining real
criteria for detecting personal seizure triggers (lack
of sleep, certain food or activities, personal
conditions or sensibility and stress), when a large
amount data is collected and analysed to determine
personal tendencies that even offers an interesting
potential use of collected data for research purposes,
taking into account confidentiality and security of
the information.
After current development, the accelerometer of
the smartphone for seizure detection will be
substituted by a very sensitive sensor kit in a
wearable device to detect other kind of seizures with
minimum clinic symptoms like tremors and
temperature and cardiac rhythm changes.
Authors acknowledge the Instituto Politécnico
Nacional, CONACYT, COFAA and EDI for
financial support of this work.
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