and can be meaningfully used. For both types, it has
been shown that providing an exact algorithmic so-
lution is an NP-complete problem: computing time
grows unmanageably (non-polinomially) with prob-
lem size (Chung et al., 1998). As a consequence,
when the number of fragments is large, the time re-
quired for an algorithmic solution can be prohibitively
long. However, things are different when we settle
for a non-exact solution: there are heuristic and ap-
proximate techniques that provide acceptably accu-
rate solutions in reasonable times. The available liter-
ature offers several solutions for both types of jigsaw
puzzles—and several applications as well, mostly in
the fields of cultural heritage and ancient document
Freeman and Gardner were among the first to face
the problem of apictorial jigsaw puzzles (Freeman
and Garder, 1964). Their approach was based on
five fundamental puzzle properties: orientation (not
known a priori), connectivity (presence or absence of
internal “holes”), perimeter shape (known/unknown a
priori), uniqueness (does the problem have one solu-
tion only?), radiality (type of juncture between frag-
ments). Fragment contours are represented as chain
codes whose length is used as a heuristic for reducing
the dimension of the search space. Papaodysseus et
al. tackle this problem in the specific context of wall
painting reconstruction (Papaodysseus et al., 2002).
Their paper is particularly interesting because it fo-
cuses on specific real-world issues that arise when
dealing with wall paintings: lack of information about
the original aspect of the painting, lack of uniqueness,
and especially the presence of very small fragments—
dealt with by the introduction of non-connectedness
(“holes”) to account for the loss of some of the pieces.
The technique for correspondence verification and
matching is based on local curve matching and is able
to cope with missing information.
It is possible to obtain more effective solutions by
exploiting all available information in a better way.
For this reason, most techniques that are actually used
in cultural heritage reassembly applications regard the
problem not as an apictorial, but as a pictorial puz-
zle. For instance, works such as (Chung et al., 1998)
and (Sagiroglu and Ercil, 2006) use color and tex-
ture information, respectively. However, their actual
testing has been limited to problems involving a rela-
tively small number of fragments. On the other hand,
Nielsen et al. devised a technique that uses no infor-
mation pertaining to single pieces, relying instead on
features of the whole represented pictorial scene. The
reported results for this technique show low error mar-
gins: the solution to a 320-fragment problem only had
23 pieces out of place—an error margin of 7.2%. This
example shows that not only shape, but all available
information can be quite useful to obtain the highest
possible accuracy: in this particular case, a good so-
lution was obtained by color and texture information
Summing up, the virtual reconstruction of picto-
rial fragments is an intrinsically hard problem, and ap-
proximate solutions are often all we can get. For this
reason, a number of sophisticated techniques drawn
from image processing are being included in more ad-
vanced systems. The most promising ones are based
on local texture analysis, chrominance analysis and
contour analysis on single fragments. Methods based
on the whole scene depicted are quite powerful, when
the original appearance is known or can be at least
partially inferred, and can provide further features to
consider. All these techniques can be used to produce
multimodal representations that allow users to refine
the solution progressively, adding detail and informa-
tion to the features of the solution search space.
The present paper proposes a system for the seg-
mentation and indexing of pictorial fragments: Multi-
Object Segmentation for Assisted Image reConstruc-
tion (MOSAIC). MOSAIC supports the rebuilding of
a fresco from fragments by a human operator. No in-
formation about the original appearance of the whole
artwork is assumed to be available. The system has
been tested on a real case study: the reconstruction of
a fresco from fragments found in the St. Trophimena
church in Salerno (Italy).
MOSAIC was expressly designed to support fresco
recomposition from fragments. Its architecture in-
cludes a protocol for image acquisition and process-
ing, so the single fragments can be cataloged and user
queries can be answered. A workspace is provided;
here, among the other actions, the user can virtually
rotate, translate and search for similar fragments. Fig-
ure 1 illustrates the system architecture schematically.
Figure 1: Architecture of the MOSAIC system.