particular situation simulates a strong bond between
the evacuees within a group and cooperative behavior
is elicited. Although the proposed crowd evacuation
model does not considers the dynamic behavior(s) of
groups, the general group behavior with certain de-
grees of assumptions (assuming 100% compliance of
individual within group and 0% cooperation of inter-
groups relation) during evacuation has been success-
fully demonstrated.
This paper offers an immune algorithm (IA) ap-
proach, that incorporates new ideas in designing the
solution representations and their respective opera-
tors in solving the ERP problems. A crowd model
that considers group cohesion with a certain degree
of assumptions is presented and evaluated, while IA
approach is also evaluated by performing various ex-
periments which constitute the parameter calibration
in order to attain an optimal result. The insights and
findings of the observed results from the experiments
have been discussed and presented with respect to the
main interest of the study.
The group cohesion is assumed on the basis that
everyone within a group completely cooperates with
each other without capturing individual compliance
rate. In addition, the inter-group relation is also ne-
glected (no social interaction between group) which
is shown to exhibit discrete delays in the flow rate
of the evacuation. In a real evacuation, group be-
havior tends to have varying compliances due to dif-
ferent needs and goals, as well as a certain amount
of interaction between groups (causing greater delays
and even blocking). Therefore, further enhancement
of the proposed IA approach considering dynamics
of group is expected while considering the effects of
larger crowd sizes is recommended to further support
the findings presented in this paper.
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