behaviour wherein the cameras acquire a pair of
images simultaneously every 20 ms. Each pair of
images is saved in memory and analysed by the
image processing algorithms when the scan is
completed. It is noteworthy that data acquisition will
be achieved in such a short period of time – about 30
seconds - because the image processing will be
performed after a full scan of the spine.
The start position of the mechanical system, its
vertical speed and the time between the acquisition
of each pair of images as well as the stereo vision
method are essential to determine the spatial position
of the vertebras. The physician has the possibility of
save data acquired in a single file. By running this
file in a specific software the 3D reconstruction of
the spinal column can be observed. An example that
uses data acquired with the second prototype is
presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: 3D reconstruction of the spinal column.
The present study will contribute to the automation
of a non-invasive equipment that is a complete
innovation in health – the Vertebral Metrics.
Throughout this article, the characteristics of the
new prototype of the Vertebral Metrics were
described. At this moment a few steps were already
taken: the scheme of the new prototype was drawn,
the characteristics of the cameras were determined
through trigonometric equations and studies with
fluorescent dyes are being performed. The future of
the project will comprise the implementation of
software, image processing algorithms and
instrumentation. Furthermore, the equipment must
be validated. Tests in people with biomechanical
changes of the spine will be performed with
Vertebral Metrics and compared with X-ray (the
gold standard) in order to prove that it is reliable
The differences between the previous prototypes
and the system that is being built will be particularly
relevant regarding the acquisition time required to
collect the individuals data. The stereo vision
method will improve the resolution and the accuracy
of the equipment. As data acquisition will be
performed faster it will also allow the analysis of the
postural adjustments. However, the patient’s skin
above the vertex of the spinal processes still needs to
be marked by the physician.
Due to its non-invasive characteristics the
Vertebral Metrics will be a powerful tool to evaluate
the spinal column. In a few seconds the new
equipment will provide a comprehensive overview
of the spine as it will perform a complete scan in
about 30 seconds. Furthermore, it will became
available a three dimensional analysis of the vertex
of the spinal processes.
This unique and already patented device will
avoid unnecessary invasive methodologies as well as
qualified staff for screening and prevention of spinal
disorders because it will allow repeated scans
without causing damage to the individuals. It may be
used in different contexts such as ambulatory public
and private (healthcare centre / doctor’s office),
hospital and as a potential screening device for back
pain in the general population. Using the Vertebral
Metrics will also became available the definition of
the most appropriate intervention methodologies to
each particular clinical case.
The authors would like to acknowledge NGNS-
Ingenious Solutions for the support provided.
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