performance between the results we obtained for
these values and those we reported in this paper for
which NrGen was set to 100. The reasons for the
overfitting of the solutions resulting from the FCM
clustering might be the nature of the application
itself (Muhammad Fuad, 2013)
The application of bio-inspired optimization
algorithms to data mining tasks is not trivial given
the complexity of these tasks and the stochastic
behavior of bio-inspired algorithms. In this paper we
applied three widely-used bio-inspired optimization
algorithms: differential evolution, genetic
algorithms, and particle swarm optimization, to the
task of fuzzy c-means clustering of time series data,
where the aforementioned optimizers were used to
obtain the optimal values of the weights assigned to
a combination of distance metrics that was used in
the FCM clustering of the time series. We showed in
the experiments we conducted how, while all the
optimizers managed to improve the performance on
the training datasets, the improvement dropped when
the optimized values of the weights were applied to
the testing datasets as a result of the overfitting
problem which appeared during the optimization
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