Schwind et al.(2013) introduced the topic of sys-
tems resilience, and defined a resilient system as a dy-
namic constraint-based model called SR-model. They
captured the notion of resilience for dynamic sys-
tems using several factors, i.e., resistance, recover-
ability, functionality and stabilizability. In our work,
as an initial step toward developing an efficient al-
gorithm for finding resilient solutions of a DMO-
COPs, we focus on two properties, namely resis-
tance and functionality, which are properties of inter-
est underlying the resilience for DMO-COPs. Com-
pared to (Schwind et al., 2013), this paper provides
an algorithm (ASR) which can computes resistant and
functional solutions for DMO-COPs, while (Schwind
et al., 2013) does not show any computational al-
gorithms for these two properties, and they use the
frameworkfor dynamic (singe-objective)COPs. Both
properties are related to an important concept under-
lying resilience. Indeed, these properties are faith-
ful with the initial definition of resilience proposed
by Holling (1973), as to “determine the persistence
of relationships within a system and is a measure of
the ability of these systems to absorb changes of state
variables, driving variables, and parameters, and still
persist.” In contrast, Bruneau’s (Bruneau, 2003) def-
inition of resilience corresponds to the minimization
of a triangular area representing the degradation of a
system over time. This definition has been formalized
under the name “recoverability” for Dynamic COP in
(Schwind et al., 2013). We will investigate it in future
The contribution of this paper is mainly twofold:
• A framework for Dynamic Multi-Objective Con-
straint Optimization Problem (DMO-COP) has
been introduced. Also, two solution criteria have
been imported from Schwind et al. (2013) and
extended to DMO-COPs, namely, resistance and
functionality, which are properties of interest un-
derlying the resilience for DMO-COPs.
• An algorithm called ASR for solving a DMO-COP
has been presented and evaluated. ASR aims at
computing every resistant and functional solution
for DMO-COPs.
As a perspective for further research, we intend
to apply our approach to some real-world problems,
especially dynamic sensor network and scheduling
problems, and will develop algorithms that are spe-
cialized to these application problems (by modifying
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