A Sampling Method to Chance-constrained Semidefinite Optimization
Chuan Xu, Jianqiang Cheng and Abdel Lisser
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Universit
e Paris-Sud 11, 91405, Orsay Cedex France
Stochastic Programming, Chance-constrained Programming, Sample Approximation, Semidefinite Program.
Semidefinite programming has been widely studied for the last two decades. Semidefinite programs are linear
programs with semidefinite constraint generally studied with deterministic data. In this paper, we deal with
a stochastic semidefinte programs with chance constraints, which is a generalization of chance-constrained
linear programs. Based on existing theoretical results, we develop a new sampling method to solve these
chance constraints semidefinite problems. Numerical experiments are conducted to compare our results with
the state-of-the-art and to show the strength of the sampling method.
It is well known that optimization models are used
for decision making. In the traditional models, all the
parameters are assumed to be known, which conflicts
with many real world problems. For instance, in
portfolio problems, the return of assets are uncertain.
Further, real world problems almost invariably
include some unknown parameters. Therefore, the
deterministic optimization models are inadequate and
a new optimization model is needed to tackle the
uncertainty. In this case, stochastic programming is
proposed to handle the uncertainty.
As a branch of stochastic programming, chance-
constrained problem (CCP) which is called prob-
abilistic problem as well, was first proposed in
(Charnes et al., 1958) to deal with an industrial
problem. The authors considered a special case of
CCP where the probabilistic constraints are imposed
individually on each constraint. Latter, (Pr
1970) generalized the model of CCP with joint prob-
abilistic constraints and dependant random variables.
See (Dentcheva et al., 2000; Pr
ekopa, 2003; Henrion
and Strugarek, 2008) for a background of CCP and
some convexity theorems.
In order to circumvent CCP, we usually con-
sider tractable approximation. For instance, convex
approximation (Nemirovski and Shapiro, 2006a;
Nemirovski, 2012) is a way which analytically
generates deterministic convex problems which
can be solved efficiently. However, it requires the
known structure of the distribution and structural
assumptions on the constraints. Another way is
simulation-based approach based on Monte-Carlo
sampling, for example the well-known scenario
approach (Calafiore and Campi, 2005; Calafiore and
Campi, 2006; Nemirovski and Shapiro, 2006b). As
the sampling number N is large enough, we can
ensure the feasibility of the solution. In (Campi and
Garatti, 2011), the authors developed a sampling-and-
discarding approach which removes some sampling
constraints in the model. They gave theoretical proofs
where discarding suitable number of constraints in
the sampling model, the result remains feasible and
intact. A greedy algorithm to select the constraints
to be removed was mentioned and some numerical
results are shown in (Pagnoncelli et al., 2012).
Recent work of (Garatti and Campi, 2013) presented
a precise procedure of this algorithm on control
The probabilistic problem that we work on is the
minimum-volume invariant ellipsoid problem in con-
trol theory which can be formulated as semidefinite
program with chance constrains (CCSDP). In (Che-
ung et al., 2012), authors proposed a convex safe
tractable approximation to solve this problem. In our
work, we develop a simulation-based method base
on (Campi and Garatti, 2011). For the related work
to CCSDP, we refer the reader to (Yao et al., 1999;
Ariyawansa and Zhu, 2000; Zhu, 2006).
The paper is organised as follows. In sec-
tion 2, we present mathematical formulation of the
chance constrained semidefinite problem. In section
3, we present simulation-based methods applied on
semidefinite program with chance constraints and in-
troduce our method of sampling. In section 4, we
show numerical results on the problem in control the-
ory. Finally, a conclusion is given in section 5.
Xu C., Cheng J. and Lisser A..
A Sampling Method to Chance-constrained Semidefinite Optimization.
DOI: 10.5220/0005276400750081
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2015), pages 75-81
ISBN: 978-989-758-075-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)