the set of different individual criteria and cost
functions can be investigated in the developed
prototype of multi-agent platform for real time
adaptive scheduling and optimization.
Adaptability of such systems can reflect level of
“swarm intelligence” of the multi-agent systems for
real time scheduling and optimization with self-
organized network of demand and resource agents in
case of unpredictable events coming in real time.
Definition of the level of adaptability as a measure
of changes in satisfaction related to the time of
finding the new balance of agents interests helps to
develop mechanisms to control self-organization
processes and increase the level of adaptability
dynamically with the view on changes of situation in
case of disruptive events.
The future research works will be focused on
developing thermodynamic model for the dynamic
schedules adaptable in real time which can be
characterized by level of order and chaos. Transition
between unstable equilibriums can be considered as
a catastrophes, bifurcations and other phenomena in
complex systems dynamic. Money equivalent
interpretation as some sort of energy coming into the
open dissipative system and its redistribution
between agents could be described in the terms of
non-linear thermodynamics for guiding self-
organization in the process of evolving solutions.
The suggested approach provide new opportunity to
investigate complex processes of searching options
in multi-agent systems and control their behaviour
which is not-deterministic by nature.
The R&D work on the platform mentioned in the
paper is supported by Russian Ministry of Education
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