circumduction, relationship between stance and
IMU based motion capture systems are usually
compared to the accuracy standard of conventional
optical motion capture systems such as Vicon
(www.vicon.com). Sometimes they are considered
to have the same accuracy. Alternatively the output
of IMU based calculations can be proofed using high
accurate position measurement systems like API
Radian (www.apisensor.com) or comparing with
well-known results from gait observations and
analysis (Perry, 2010, Murray, 1964).
Since we have been working for a long period on
this topic, mostly in student projects, the aim of this
position paper is to ask questions and to try to give
Since about five years we have been using sensor
systems for the acquisition of various bio-signals
like ECG, EEG, EMG or motion data. Sensors
applied directly to limbs/body were tested as well as
position measurement systems which in-motion data
acquisition and are used for comparison. A-priori
knowledge about gait patterns and kinematic models
of the human skeleton are involved in algorithms as
well as in plausibility tests.
In the field of motion analysis we have been focused
on human gait with respect to health applications
e.g. in orthopaedics, physiotherapies and rehabili-
tation. The motion of the patient is relatively slow
(~1-2 m/s) with moderate changes of the linear and
angular velocity.
In clinical practice experts observe the movement of
patients going straight forward about five to ten
strides. Assistant measurement systems and
applications will be able to quantify those
observations, to make them comparable and
traceable over time. In this paper we discuss the last
experimental setup where 9DOF Xsens sensors were
placed on the pelvis and all lower limbs, forming
together the kinematic gait chain.
2.1 Systems
2.1.1 IMU Sensors
In the current experiments we use up to seven 9DOF
Xsens MTw sensor units connected via Bluetooth to
one Awinda station and data acquisition software
“MT Manager”. On-board the data of the primary
sensors are sampled with 1800 Hz, strapped down
by integration (SDI) incorporating the estimate of
orientation to the transfer rate of 100 Hz for two or
60 Hz for seven MTw. Finally the “MT Manager”
provides synchronized data from all involved MTw
(< 10 s accuracy), i.e., linear acceleration a,
angular velocity ω, magnetic field m and quaternion
q (orientation estimated on-board < 1° of static and
2° RMS of dynamic accuracy (www.xsens.de ).
Before starting measurements sensors need calm or
slow motion to “warm up the filters”, to calculate
the initial orientation of the sensor with respect to
the world coordinate system. The implemented
Xsens-Kalman-Filter is based on the assumptions
that on the average the acceleration due to the
movement is zero and that the magnetic field is
homogenous or steady state.
2.1.2 Gait Pattern
In the middle of the last century Perry (Perry, 2010)
and Murray (Murray, 1964) observed, measured and
analysed the normal human gait. The gait pattern
covers one stride, the full period of movement of
one leg, one stance and one swing phase. The given
pattern includes average trajectories of joint angles
(hip, knee and ankle), the angle between thigh and
vertical (in sagittal plane) as well as average
trajectories of the center of hip (pelvis). They
discovered several gait events, e.g. initial and
terminal foot contact to the floor, heel strike, flat
foot, heel off, toe off. Events disjoin the stride into
stance and swing phase as well as into eight more
detailed sub-phases.
2.1.3 Kinematic Model
On the base of a planar model of the kinematic chain
of lower limbs average trajectories of hip, knee,
ankle, middle foot and toes are derived from a given
gait pattern (position, linear and angular velocity and
acceleration). These patterns allow the identification
of correspondences between gait events and
characteristic points of acquired or derived data
(minima, maxima, zero crossings).
2.1.4 Position Measurement
The API Radian laser tracker was used to measure
the movement of the foot and the ankle with 1 kHz
sampling rate and accuracy of 50 m. To process the
measurement a relatively heavy controller ball is to
be mounted to foot or ankle. The ball dynamics may
not be neglected (impact of heel strike in vertical