Comparison of Recognition Accuracy of ADL with Sensor Wearing
Positions using 3-Axis Accelerometer
D. I. Shin
, S. K. Joo
and S. J. Huh
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Keywords: Accuracy, Activity, Daily Life, Sensor, Position, Accelerometer.
Abstract: The monitoring of single elderly is being more important due to rapid transition to aging society. There are
many bio-signals to monitor the emergent state of elderly. In this paper we propose new criteria to classify
daily life activities using accelerometer and pulse oximeter. We categorized activities with the motility of
real action. The upper most criteria are normal and abnormal activity. The lower criteria are ‘small or large
movement’, ‘periodic or random movement’, ‘no movement or shock’. Then we derive some parameters to
get thresholds to classify these activities according to our new criteria. The main parameters are entropy,
energy and autocorrelation. Some experiments were carried out to determine classifying thresholds. Finally
we got results of classified activities such as ‘no movements’, ‘small movements’, ‘large movements’,
‘periodic movements’ and ‘falls’. We got nearly 100% of classifying result for falls and no movements. In
this case of ‘quasi-emergency state’ our developing device investigates further status of elderly by
measuring of heart rate and oxygen saturation (SpO
) using pulse oximeter. Finally the device decides in
emergency, it sends a short message to server and then connects to the u-Healthcare centre or emergency
centre and one’s family.
According to the data from Statistics Korea, the
aging index will increase rapidly from 9.5% (2006)
to 14.3% (2018) and 20.8% (2026). With this trend,
the number of single elderly increases too. Knowing
the emergency status of these single elderly is a
critical issue in the emergency monitoring system.
So we have been developing a monitoring device,
which can be easily worn on an elders’ body. The
wearing position is very important because it must
be very convenient for the elderly. And in the case
of an emergency, the reaction of elderly is also
important for the decision whether he or she is
serious. There were many researches for monitoring
devices(Boo-Ho Yang, Sokwoo Rhee, 2000, P.
Mendoza, P. Gonzalez, B. Villanueva, E.
Haltiwanger, H. Nazeran, 2004, Giuseppe Anastasi,
Marco Conti, Mario Di Francesco, Andrea Passarell,
2009, Francis E.H. Tay, D.G. Guo, L. Xu, M.N.
Nyan, K.L. Yap, 2009, Prajakta Kulkarni, Yusuf
Ozlurk, 2010, Amr Amin Hafez, Mohamed Amin
Dessouky, Hani Fikri Ragai, 2011). In these
researches, there are many considerations about
monitoring devices and systems with respect to u-
Healthcare Monitoring. After all, we conclude that
the ideal wearing position is wrist for now. With the
progress of technology, the device may be the shape
of hearing aid in the future.
In this research, we classified the activity type of
elderly in daily life. Recent researches classified the
activity type with the real action such as walking,
standing, sitting, lying etc.(Arunkumar Pennathur,
Rohini Magham, Luis Rene Contreras, Winifred
Dowling, 2003, A. Mannini, A.M. Sabatini, 2009,
G.M. Lyons, K.M. Culhane, D. Hilton, P.A. Grace,
D. Lyons, 2005, Marcia Finlayson, Trudy Mallinson,
Vanessa M. Barbosa, 2005, Angela L. Jefferson,
Robert H. Paul, Al Ozonoff, Ronald A. Cohen, 2006,
A. Godfrey, A.K. Bourke, G.M. Ólaighin, P. van de
Ven, J. Nelson, 2011). But in fact this kind of
classification is not helpful for the decision of
emergency status of an elderly. So we suggest new
concept of classification criteria. We categorized
activities with the motility of real action. The upper
most criteria will be normal and abnormal activity.
The lower criteria may be ‘small or large movement’,
‘periodic or random movement’, ‘no movement or
Shin D., Joo S. and Huh S..
Comparison of Recognition Accuracy of ADL with Sensor Wearing Positions using 3-Axis Accelerometer.
DOI: 10.5220/0005279901800184
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2015), pages 180-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-071-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)