Part of a wider research concerning agility in pub-
lic administration and policy making (Boer and En-
gers, 2013), the present paper starts the development
of a computational framework operationalizing a con-
structivist approach to rule bases. By dividing agency
in a regulated and a regulatory sub-systems, we ex-
plicitly disjoin the processing of facts, depending on
the rule base, from the modification of the rule base.
The analysis we presented is not targeting
beliefs—in the traditional sense of the belief revision
literature, e.g. (Ferm´e, 2011)—norbuilt upon a model
of dynamic theory revision of knowledge accounting
for both facts and rules, as in machine learning, see
e.g. (Omlin and Giles, 1996), (Goldsmith and Sloan,
2005). Similarly to Horty (Horty, 2011), our specific
scope is on rules, as components of a rule base, al-
ready defined at symbolic level.
In psychology, the theory of constructivism is tra-
ditionally related to Jean Piaget (Piaget et al., 2001),
who investigatedthe mechanisms under which knowl-
edge is internalized by learners. He argued that in-
dividuals construct their knowledge through the two
processes of:
• assimilation: the process of framing new experi-
ences through the existent knowledge framework,
without changing it; the structure exists, it is filled
by data;
• accomodation: the process of re-framing the
agent’s knowledge framework, usually respond-
ing to contradictions or operational failures of
their knowledge framework; the structure is reor-
This theory is aligned with our contribution, as:
• rule bases are interpreted as compiled programs
for reactive symbolic processing modules, which
respond to facts (e.g. data fed by sensors), pos-
sibly performing actions (e.g. sending stimuli to
actuators, communicating, etc.);
• construction and reconstruction of rule bases pro-
vide the reflective, adaptive processing dimen-
sion, which occurs concurrently to the first one.
The paper is a starting operationalization, there-
fore several research directions remain to be inves-
tigated. First, an evaluation of the application of
our proposal on more complex rule bases, possibly
in comparison with other approaches from the expert
systems literature. Related to that, an in-depth analy-
sis of the proposed algorithms is required, measuring
their complexity, and suggesting possible optimiza-
tions. Second, an investigation of possible theoretical
interactions with the insights coming from belief re-
vision, e.g. (Dubois, 2008), but applied on our defini-
tion of rule revision.
Finally, the paper explores adaptation only as a
problem of maximization of payoffs, studied in deci-
sion theory, game theory and similar top-down per-
spectives. In the future, we plan to analyze it through
the lens of Heiner’s theory of predictable behaviour
(Heiner, 1983); in this way, we expect to be able to
model adaptation as a bottom-up mechanism as well.
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