Several groups have already investigated fall detec-
tion on smartphones.
In 2010, Dai et al. proposed the PerFallD proto-
type for the first available Android smartphone, the
G1 phone (Dai et al., 2010). The detection algorithm
uses four thresholds to detect an impact and a sta-
ble phase and the change of orientation. The chosen
thresholds are not applicable for current Android ver-
sions anymore, but the study already shows the fea-
sibility of smartphone based fall detection. For the
evaluation, data from 450 falls were collected with
different directions (forward, lateral and backward),
different speeds (fast and slow) and in different en-
vironment (living room, bedroom, kitchen and out-
door garden). Further, data of activities of daily living
(ADL) including walking, jogging, standing and sit-
ting were gathered. Fall and ADL data were provided
by graduate students from 20 to 30 years old. The au-
thors present evaluations for wearing the smartphone
in a shirt pocket, on the belt, or in the pant pocket. The
presented evaluation shows that PerFallD achieves the
best performance when the device is attached with
the belt with an average False Negative value being
2.67 % and the False Positive value being 8.7 %.
While this is a promising result, no evaluation with
ADLs of older people is given. Further, the authors
report that the system keeps running about 33.5 h un-
til the battery is exhausted which also confirms the
usability of these devices for fall detection.
Dai et al. compare their system with a commercial
product provided by Brickhouse (Brickhouse, ) . This
fall detector consists of a teleassist base and a portable
sensor. Since the base device needs to be installed
indoors and the signal transmission distance between
the sensor and the base is limited, the system is only
useful in this environment. The experiments reported
in (Dai et al., 2010) show that this system has a high
false negative rate in backward falls (29.9 %) and a
high false positive rate (21.9 %).
In (Hwang et al., 2012), a smartphone running
Android 2.3.3 was used to record 100 Hz bandwidth
signals from the three-axis acceleration sensor. The
saved data were processed to detect falls using Mat-
lab 7.0 not on the device itself, but on a PC. Based
on data from 200 experimental falls, obtained by fas-
tening a smartphone to a belt worn around the waist,
an overall detection rate of 95% was achieved, cor-
responding to direction-specific rates of 94% for for-
ward falls, 100% for backward falls, 94% for leftward
falls and 92% for rightward falls. Based on the exper-
imental results of 6 ADL scenarios, the threshold for
acceleration was established at 2.2 g and the threshold
for angular displacement was set at 50
Since Android based smartphones use sampling-
rates of maximum 100 Hz, different sampling rates
were investigated in a trace-driven simulation ((Fu-
dickar et al., 2014)). The results confirm that low
sampling rates of at least 50 Hz can be used and have
a sensitivity of 99% for the collected fall records.
Further, the specificity of the threshold-based fall-
detection algorithm was tested with ADLs of elderly
people. In the simulation, no false positive occurred.
The threshold settings were taken from (Karth, 2012).
Mehner et al. (Mehner et al., 2013) also published
results from experiments with threshold based fall-
detection on smart phones which confirm that the
lower sampling rates (such as 50 Hz) that are sup-
ported by Android are uncritical. Their results indi-
cate that the exclusion of the free-fall detection phase
may increase the detection accuracy by 27 % from
56% with free-fall detection to 83% without free-fall
detection. Overall the proposed algorithm achieved a
maximal sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 100%
in the presented experiments. Results from real falls
and ADLs from elderly people are not presented.
For a tri-axial accelerometer, fall situations are char-
acterized by multiple sequential phases. The ac-
celerometer collects a vector (x,y,z) of the axis-
specific acceleration forming together the accelera-
tion. The length of the acceleration vector corre-
sponds to the power of the acceleration. Since we use
gravity as our metric, we have to divide the length of
the acceleration vector by the power of the gravity on
earth which is 1g = 9, 81
. This leads to equation
v | =
+ y
+ z
9, 81
This value is the so-called G-Value used in the thresh-
old based fall detection algorithm.
The different phases of the fall detection algorithm
are shown in Figure 1. The fall detection algorithm
starts with the FreeFall Test Phase. Within a fall
situation, the falling body experiences zero-gravity.
The exact gravity appeals on a body (or mass in gen-
eral) depends on where you are on earth. This is due to
gravity anomalies and the fact that the earth is not a perfect
sphere. One can say in general, that gravity is stronger near
the poles. The differences in gravity is still small enough to
set a general value for gravity in a fall detection application