Privacy Risk Assessment of Textual Publications in Social Networks
David Sánchez and Alexandre Viejo
Departament d’Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili,
Av. Països Catalans, 26. 43007 Tarragona, Spain
Keywords: Privacy, Data Semantics, Information Theory, Social Networks.
Abstract: Recent studies have warned that, in Social Networks, users usually publish sensitive data that can be
exploited by dishonest parties. Some mechanisms to preserve the privacy of the users of social networks
have been proposed (i.e. controlling who can access to a certain published data); however, a still unsolved
problem is the lack of proposals that enable the users to be aware of the sensitivity of the contents they
publish. This situation is especially true in the case of unstructured textual publications (i.e., wall posts,
tweets, etc.). These elements are considered to be particularly dangerous from the privacy point of view due
to their dynamism and high informativeness. To tackle this problem, in this paper we present an automatic
method to assess the sensitivity of the user’s textual publications according to her privacy requirements
towards the other users in the social network. In this manner, users can have a clear picture of the privacy
risks inherent to their publications and can take the appropriate countermeasures to mitigate them. The
feasibility of the method is studied in a highly sensitive social network: PatientsLikeMe.
Social networks are virtual platforms where millions
of users publish and read huge quantities of
information every day. Even though a large part of
this user-generated content may be considered
innocuous, studies such as (Consumer Reports
National Research Center, 2010) state that more than
half of the users of social networks share private
data. This dangerous behaviour jeopardises their
privacy and, in several cases, it is the result of their
privacy unawareness (Wang et al., 2014).
Several studies such as (D'Arcy, 2011; Zhang et
al., 2010) have shown that the sensitive data that is
published in social networks can be used by
dishonest parties to perform threatening activities
such as phishing, bullying or stalking among others.
Due to the proliferation of these practices, in the last
years, the privacy concerns of the users have grown
significantly. Specifically, social network operators
have recognised this situation and they have reacted
by implementing privacy settings that enable users
to decide who can access certain contents such as
profile attributes or unstructured textual publications
(i.e., wall posts, tweets, etc.).
Regarding unstructured textual publications,
these elements are very dynamic and highly
informative and they usually express up-to-date
personal opinions or user behaviours and, therefore,
they are considered to be particularly risky from the
privacy perspective.
In any case, a major problem is that social
networks do not provide mechanisms that enable the
users to be aware of the sensitivity of the contents
they publish (Wang et al., 2014). Therefore, many
users are not aware of the privacy risks that their
publications may cause and/or find difficulties in
defining effective privacy settings.
Even though social networks operators have not
paid enough attention to this issue, the scientific
community has acknowledged its relevance. Some
works try to measure the privacy risks that arise
when users publish profile attributes in social
environments. However, assessing the privacy risks
related to publishing unstructured textual messages
has received a lot less attention.
1.1 Previous Work
The authors in (Becker and Chen, 2009) developed a
tool that focuses on Facebook and infers the hidden
profile attributes (i.e., age, country, political view,
relationship status, etc.) of a user from the publicly
published attributes of her friends in this social
network. The total number of attributes that can be
Sanchez D. and Viejo A..
Privacy Risk Assessment of Textual Publications in Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0005281202360241
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2015), pages 236-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-073-4
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
gathered by third parties is used to provide a privacy
score to the users. Moreover, this tool proposes
some user actions that can help to mitigate the
detected privacy risks, which are based on removing
certain friends or controlling them.
Following the same idea, the proposal presented
in (Talukder et al., 2010) tries to infer private profile
attributes from her friends’ profiles. In this case, the
tool is assumed access private information from the
friend profiles that are made available to friends
only. This tool presents to the user a measure of her
privacy, a ranking of her friends based on individual
contributions to privacy leakage and self-sanitisation
actions to lessen this leakage.
Measuring the privacy exposure of a user by her
profile attributes have been also proposed in
(Srivastava and Geethakumari, 2013; Wang et al.,
2014; Liu and Terzi, 2010). These three schemes
consider the visibility of the attributes in the user
profile (i.e., how known a certain item becomes in
the network) in order to compute their respective
privacy measures and also their sensitivity.
Finally, the authors in (Akcora et al., 2012)
follow a different approach which is based on
providing a risk measure to help users in judging a
stranger in a social network. The goal is to inform
users about how much it might potentially be risky
to establish a connection with the stranger. The
proposed tool provides information about the
similarity between the user and the stranger as well
as the information that the user may get from the
stranger’s profile.
So far, all the proposals are designed to measure
the privacy risks in social networks related to certain
profile attributes of users. However, the privacy
risks inherent to the publication of textual messages,
which represent most of the published contents and
are highly informative, have been ignored in related
This issue is acknowledged in (Srivastava and
Geethakumari, 2013), where the authors compute a
measure of privacy risk of user’s publications.
Nevertheless, the work is quite preliminary and
limited because: i) publications are evaluated as a
whole, and thus the user cannot be aware of the
specific message or term that causes a highest
privacy threat; ii) publications are linked to a
predefined set of attribute profiles, but the linking
process is not detailed; iii) the privacy risks are
computed by measuring the information distribution
within a subset of social networks users, which
would hardly reflect the actual information
distribution at a social scale; and iv) privacy score
calculations are ad-hoc.
1.2 Contributions
In this paper, we propose a fully automatic
mechanism to inform users of social networks about
the privacy risks inherent to their publications (i.e.
unstructured textual messages). Compared with
related works, our proposal is able to identify the
specific terms within a message which can cause
privacy risk with respect to concrete readers. In this
manner, social network users can have a clearer
picture of the privacy threats of their publications
and, thus, take the appropriate protection measures.
The proposed method automatically assesses
which content to be published could be risky
according to its degree of sensitivity and the privacy
requirements of the user, which are defined a priori
according to the different types of contacts of the
user in the social network. To do so, the method
implements an information theoretically assessment
of the disclosure risk of the published data as a way
to measure the amount of knowledge (i.e. semantics)
disclosed by a user to her potential readers.
First, we detail how the sensitivity of the published
data can be automatically assessed according to the
amount of disclosed semantics. Then, we explain
how the privacy requirements of the user can be
gathered in an intuitive way. Finally, we detail how
we evaluate the privacy risks inherent to textual
publications according to the type of reader.
2.1 Sensitivity Assessment
The cornerstone of the proposed method is the
assessment of the sensitivity of the information
published by the user. Given that we are dealing
with textual data and that this data is understood by
humans (i.e. content producers, readers and also
potential attackers) according to their semantics, we
require a mechanism that measures the amount of
semantics disclosed by the presence of each textual
term in the user’s publications. Our assumption,
which is coherent with current research on document
protection (Abril et al., 2011; Sánchez et al., 2013a),
is that sensitive terms are those providing a large
amount of semantics, because these are the ones that
disclose more knowledge to attackers. However,
since semantics are an inherently human and
qualitative feature, their measurement is not trivial.
To tackle this problem, we adopt an information
theoretic quantification of data semantics. The basic
idea is that the semantics encompassed by a term
appearing in a context can be quantified by the
amount of information it provides, that is, its
Information Content (IC).
The notion of IC has been extensively used to
quantify term semantics (Resnik, 1995; Sánchez et
al., 2011). The IC of a term t and, thus, the
semantics encompassed by t, is computed as the
inverse of its probability of occurrence in corpora.
() log ( )IC t t
Thus, general terms such as disease provide less
information and, thus, are less sensitive than
specialised ones such as lung cancer, because the
former are probably referred in a discourse.
Ideally, if the corpora used to compute the IC is
large and heterogeneous enough to reflect the
information distribution at a social scale, IC values
will be a faithful representation of term’s semantics
as they are understood and used by humans. To
compute realistic term probabilities, we rely on the
largest and most up-to-date electronic repository
available: the Web. In fact, the Web is so large and
heterogeneous that it is said to be a faithful
representation of the information distribution at a
social scale (Cilibrasi and Vitányi, 2006), an
argument that has been supported by recent works
focusing on privacy-protection (Chow et al., 2008;
Sánchez et al., 2013b; Sánchez et al., 2013a;
Sánchez et al., 2014), which considered the Web as
a realistic proxy for social knowledge.
In order to compute term probabilities from the
Web in an efficient manner, several authors
(Sánchez et al., 2010; Turney, 2001) have used the
hit count returned by a Web Search Engine when
querying the term t. Thus, in our approach, IC is
computed as follows:
where N is the number of web resources indexed by
the web search engine.
2.2 Privacy Requirements
In order to raise the users’ awareness of the privacy
risks that their publications may cause, we need to
capture such her notion of privacy. We refer to this
as the privacy requirements of the user. These state
the degree of trust, and hence, the desired level of
knowledge/information disclosure for the different
types of readers in the social network.
Coherently with the privacy settings
implemented in most social networks (Carminati et
al., 2009), the privacy requirements in our approach
are defined for the different types of contacts that the
user may have in the social network. These types of
relationships are specified by the users themselves
when they add a new contact to their list of friends.
Any unclassified entity will be classified in the
lowest level of trust. Therefore, requirements are
defined as a list of n of privacy levels that allow to
classify the published data according to its degree of
sensitivity and that are associated to each type of
contact in the social network.
Then, by relying on the sensitivity assessment
explained in the previous section, the published data
is organised in a way that the least informative terms
(i.e. those disclosing the least amount of semantics),
which do not require any protection, are classified in
the lowest privacy level L
(i.e. they can be accessed
by external non-classified readers), whereas the most
informative ones, which would only be accessed by
fully trusted contacts, are classified in the highest
privacy level L
. The main idea is that the type of
relationship (i.e. trust) that exists between the owner
of the data and each type of reader defines the
maximum knowledge that the latter can obtain from
the former’s publications. In this manner, we can
identify privacy risks when the sensitivity of data is
too high for a type of reader, so that the user may
take countermeasures to minimise such risk.
In order to define the specific privacy
requirements, the user is asked to define the
maximum knowledge that would be disclosed to
each privacy level/type of relationship. To make this
process straightforward, and inspired by the usual
privacy settings implemented in available social
networks, these requirements are automatically setup
by answering a set of predefined questions about
sensitive topics for each type of contact.
Specifically, the system presents a set of questions
related to different sensitive topics (e.g. religion,
race, sexuality, medical history, etc.) and, for each
one, the user has to decide the maximum knowledge
that, at most, the readers belonging to each type of
relationship/privacy level can obtain.
Questions can be inspired in current legislations
on data privacy (e.g. EU Data Protection Directive
(The European Parliament and the Council of the
EU, 1995), US federal laws on medical data (Health
Privacy Project, 2013), HIPAA (Department of
Health and Human Services, 2000) etc.), and should
cover each of the topics that are categorised as
private (e.g. religion, sexual orientation, race, census
data, locations, sensitive diseases, etc.).
Once questions have been answered, the
informativeness of the answers for each type of
contact/privacy level L
(computed as in eq. (2)) is
used as threshold T
for that level. This threshold
will be used to determine the level to which a certain
textual term t published by the user (with IC(t))
belongs and, thus, warn the user about the potential
privacy risks. If different questions about several
sensitive topics are performed to the user, the answer
with the lowest informativeness for each privacy
level will be used as threshold.
2.3 Evaluation of Privacy Risks
To evaluate the privacy risk of a user publication
before making it accessible to the readers, the
system takes the user’s message and her privacy
requirements. Then, it performs several linguistic
analyses to extract potentially risky terms, whose
sensitivity is evaluated according to their
informativeness (eq. (2)) with regard to the
thresholds of each privacy level. Then an assessment
of the privacy risks of the terms in the publication is
made for each type of contact, so that the user can
take appropriate countermeasures, such as restricting
the access to the publication or replacing too
sensitive terms by less detailed data.
Due to the fact that the textual messages
published in a social network usually lack a regular
structure, we use several natural language processing
tools to detect sensitive terms. Specifically, because
sensitive terms are mostly concepts or instances and
these are referred in text by means of noun phrases
(NPs), the system focuses on the detection of NPs.
NPs are detected by means of several natural
language tools which perform sentence detection,
tokenisation (i.e. word detection, including
contraction separation), part-of-speech tagging
(POS) and syntactic parsing of text.
Each NP, which we refer generically as term t, is
then classified in a privacy level according to its
level of sensitivity according to the privacy
requirements. Finally, if necessary, the user is
warned about the privacy risks that some of the
terms to be published may cause towards some of
her contacts. The process is next described formally.
Assuming privacy requirements with n levels
} and their corresponding n thresholds
}, for each term t in a message m do:
If T
> IC(t), t is not sensitive for any type of
contact because it provides less information
than such allowed in the least restrictive
threshold T
. It can be published as is.
If T
> IC(t)
, t is sensitive for readers in
because it provides more information than
the threshold for L
. The user should restrict
the access to m for external contacts.
If T
> IC(t)
, t is sensitive for readers
in L
or below. Thus, the user should restrict
the access for users belonging to L
or below.
If IC(t)
, t is sensitive for all the
contacts of the user. Thus, the user should
either not publish the message or replace the
sensitive term(s) by less detailed data.
In this section we discuss and illustrate the
applicability of the proposed method in a social
network characterised by the sensitivity of the user’s
publications: PatientsLikeMe. This social network is
devoted to share information about users’ conditions
in order to give and receive feedback from other
patients and from the medical community.
To show the applicability of our method, we will
simulate a user U. First, the privacy requirements of
U will be defined. Then, the behaviour of our
method will be illustrated by randomly picking up a
real textual publication from PatientsLikeMe. After
that, the message will be analysed to detect privacy
risks according to the type of contacts of U.
3.1 Defining the Privacy Requirements
For PatientsLikeMe, the following three types of
users, sorted by their level of trust, are considered:
“clinician/researcher”, “follower” and “regular
user”. The first one is a healthcare professional that
uses the data published in the social network for
healing/research purposes. A “follower” of a user U
is any user who decides to follow and is accepted by
U. Finally, a “regular user” is any unclassified user
who owns an account, which thus belongs to lowest
privacy level L
In order to define the privacy requirements for
each type of contact, several questions are asked to
the user. Due to space limitations, we will illustrate
this process with one question referring to the
condition of the user, which is shown in Table 1. To
minimise errors, predefined answers with different
degrees of informativeness are given. Note that there
could be as many possible answers as desired, and
that the same level of information disclosure could
be associated to different contacts; in this latter case,
the thresholds of different levels will be the same.
According to the answers of the user U shown in
Table 1, the privacy requirements are set by
computing the threshold T
for each privacy level L
which are computed as the IC of the answers. In the
sample questionnaire, thresholds can be directly
defined according to the condition that the user U
defines in her profile and the answers to the
questions with regard to that condition. Let us
assume that U claims to have “HIV” (which is
sensitive according to (Health Privacy Project,
2013)). According to the answers, L
readers can
know everything, thus T
is infinite; L
readers can
know at most her sensitive condition, thus, T
computed according to the informativeness of HIV:
= IC(“HIV”) = - log
(47E6/17E9) = 8,5; finally,
readers can only know that the user has a
condition, but not the specific type, thus, T
IC(“Condition”) = - log
(126E6/17E9) = 7,1.
In the above calculations, IC is computed using
eq. (2) and Bing as the Web Search Engine to
retrieve the number of hits. The number of web
resources indexed by Bing is set to 17 billions, as
estimated in
Table 1: Sample questionnaire and simulated answers.
With regard to your condition, select the maximum
knowledge that you are willing to disclose in your
messages for each type of contact in PatientsLikeMe:
Clinician/Researcher: (Level L
can know everything about your condition
can know your condition but no specific details
can just know that you suffer from a condition
Follower: (Level L
can know everything about your condition
can know your condition but no specific details
can just know that you suffer from a condition
Regular user: (Level L
can know everything about your condition
can know your condition but no specific details
can just know that you suffer from a condition
3.2 Assessing Privacy Risks
For illustrative purposes, let us assume that U wants
to publish the message shown in the first row of
Table 2, which is a random message gathered from
the social network and published by a user with
HIV. First, the message is syntactically analysed to
detect all the terms (noun phrases) that may refer to
sensitive concepts. Then, according to the privacy
requirements of U and the IC of the detected terms,
the latter are classified in each privacy level and,
thus, the sensitive terms for each type of reader are
identified, as shown in the last rows of Table 2.
By looking at Table 2 and recalling the privacy
requirements of U, we have that L
(clinicians/researchers) would have access to all the
details (i.e. T
= ); thus, since IC(t
) < T
for all
terms t
, none of such terms would cause a privacy
risk. On the other hand, L
readers would be able to
learn that the user has HIV and thus, T
IC(“HIV”) = - log
(47E6/17E9) = 8,5; however,
more specific terms like Candidiasis or
Tuberculosis, whose IC(t
) > T
IC(“Candidiasis”) = 11,3 and IC(“Tuberculosis”) =
10,2) should be restricted. The same process is also
applied for readers in L
. The system thus outputs a
set of terms that cause privacy risks for each type of
reader, so that the user may decide whether to
restrict the access to the message and/or to remove
or replace those terms by less detailed information.
Table 2: Sample message published in PatientsLikeMe and
subsequent analyses of its content.
Analysis Result
I guess was infected with HIV in
2012. In May 2013, I had 7 days of
fever, I think it was a sinusitis. The
fever came back in June 2013.
Suddenly appeared Candidiasis at
my throat. The doctor asked how
many antibiotics I had taken. So he
asked HIV testing and it results
positive. I got sick very fast,
because was diagnosed
Tuberculosis. I was admitted to a
hospital because of a thrombosis.
Sensitive terms
for L
Sensitive terms
for L
Sinusitis, Candidiasis, antibiotics,
HIV testing, Tuberculosis,
Sensitive terms
for L
HIV, May 2013, 7 days, fever,
sinusitis, fever, June 2013,
Candidiasis, throat, antibiotics,
HIV testing, Tuberculosis,
Social networks do not provide mechanisms to make
users aware of the privacy risks of their publications
and, thus, to intuitively apply the provided privacy
settings (i.e. restricting the access of certain users to
specific content). The method proposed in this paper
tackles this problem by providing an automatic
assessment of the privacy risks of user’s publications
with respect to her contacts and her privacy
requirements towards such contacts.
The proposal can be implemented either as a
module to be added in existing social networks or as
an external application running on the user’s side,
which performs an a priori assessment of privacy
risks so that the user may apply countermeasures. It
is worth mentioning that users do not require
technical knowledge to set their privacy
requirements, since they can be intuitively defined
by answering questions. Moreover, requirements can
be made coherent with legislations on data privacy.
Future research will focus on dealing with the
ambiguity (e.g., polysemy, synonymy, ellipsis) that
usually appears when syntactically analysing text
and when computing term’s IC from raw web-scale
statistics. Moreover, we also plan to engineer
questionnaires that are appropriate for the scope of
some of the most widely used social networks in
order to conduct additional experiments.
This work was partly supported by the European
Commission under FP7 project Inter-Trust, H2020
project CLARUS, by the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Innovation (through projects CO-
PRIVACY TIN2011-27076-C03-01, ICWT
TIN2012-32757 and BallotNext IPT-2012-0603-
430000) and by the Government of Catalonia (under
grant 2014 SGR 537). This work was also made
possible through the support of a grant from
Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this paper are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of Templeton
World Charity Foundation.
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