risks so that the user may apply countermeasures. It
is worth mentioning that users do not require
technical knowledge to set their privacy
requirements, since they can be intuitively defined
by answering questions. Moreover, requirements can
be made coherent with legislations on data privacy.
Future research will focus on dealing with the
ambiguity (e.g., polysemy, synonymy, ellipsis) that
usually appears when syntactically analysing text
and when computing term’s IC from raw web-scale
statistics. Moreover, we also plan to engineer
questionnaires that are appropriate for the scope of
some of the most widely used social networks in
order to conduct additional experiments.
This work was partly supported by the European
Commission under FP7 project Inter-Trust, H2020
project CLARUS, by the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Innovation (through projects CO-
PRIVACY TIN2011-27076-C03-01, ICWT
TIN2012-32757 and BallotNext IPT-2012-0603-
430000) and by the Government of Catalonia (under
grant 2014 SGR 537). This work was also made
possible through the support of a grant from
Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions
expressed in this paper are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of Templeton
World Charity Foundation.
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