Figure 4: A sample of 3 stereopairs extracted from the
2x10 image set processed according to the second calibra-
tion pipeline, (line bundles object and non-metric calibra-
tion). Each row shows the data corresponding to a stere-
opair. From left to right are shown the grid axis extracted
from the left image, from the right image and the corrected
grid of right image.
The obtained results show that a periodic pattern
can be successfully detected across multiple views
only enforcing the rigidity constraint of the camera
system and the discrete nature of the grid detection
In this paper we derived a new technique, that sim-
plifies the extraction of a symmetric 2D grid pattern
across calibration pattern images obtained using mul-
ticamera systems, under the condition of partial visi-
bility of the calibration object without the use of addi-
tional markers identifying the grid origin and the axis
The algorithm effectiveness has been proven on
the simulated muticamera and real stereo camera
datasets. We believe that this work provides a use-
ful solution for a problem that inevitably arises in the
context of multicamera calibration and allows for the
design of a user-friendly camera calibration interface.
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