Motion Field Regularization for Sliding Objects
Using Global Linear Optimization
Gustaf Johansson, Mats Andersson and Hans Knutsson
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Link
oping University, Link
oping, Sweden
Centre of Medical Image Science and Visualization, Link
oping University, Link
oping, Sweden
Image Registration, Missing Data, Medical Image Processing, Global Linear Optimization.
In image registration it is often necessary to employ regularization in one form or another to be able to find
a plausible displacement field. In medical applications, it is useful to define different constraints for different
areas of the data. For instance to measure if organs have moved as expected after a finished treatment. One
common problem is how to find plausible motion vectors far away from known motion. This paper introduces
a new method to build and solve a Global Linear Optimizations (GLO) problem with a novel set of terms
which enable specification of border areas to allow a sliding motion. The GLO approach is important es-
pecially because it allows simultaneous incorporation of several different constraints using information from
medical atlases such as localization and properties of organs. The power and validity of the method is demon-
strated using two simple, but relevant 2D test images. Conceptual comparisons with previous methods are
also made to highlight the contributions made in this paper. The discussion explains important future work
and experiments as well as exciting future improvements to the GLO framework.
Medical imaging is progressing fast and plays an in-
creasingly important role in both medical diagnosis
and patient treatment. Image registration is one sub-
field where the objective is to find a plausible mapping
between two data sets. This could be to find a mo-
tion between two frames in a time sequence or map-
ping how different organs and tissues have changed
or moved after a surgery or treatment. Many natural
motions of tissues and organs in the human body are
subject to different constraints such as varying degree
of sliding and friction, rigid body motion and incom-
pressibility. If methods and treatments in the med-
ical sciences are able to create better models which
take into consideration the physical properties of or-
gans, this can lead to more correct diagnosis and bet-
ter treatments, ultimately improving the health of the
patients. Therefore it is important to find good meth-
ods to incorporate medical atlas information in the
data processing. Regularization of the displacement
fields is necessary for most image registration algo-
rithms to get a plausible displacement field. Regular-
ization means correcting noisy estimates and filling
in uncertain or missing data with help of parts of the
images where motion is more certain. From physics,
various decompositions of vector fields have been in-
vestigated for a very long time. Some such decom-
positions can be used for regularization and are ex-
plained in (Ruan et al., 2009). Solenoidal and irrota-
tional decompositions are for instance relevant when
putting constraints such as rotational motion and in-
compressibility of organ interiors. When it comes to
find methods for regularization to allow sliding mo-
tion of organs the work done in (Pace et al., 2011)
are relevant. There a normal vector
n with a corre-
sponding proximity or certainty weight w ∈ [0, 1] help
steer the regularization. Then an anisotropic diffu-
sion is built based on models from physics to which
a numerical solution can be found by an iterative al-
gorithm. A previous global regularization (Johansson
et al., 2012) introduced the Global Linear Optimiza-
tion framework for adaptive regularization. In that
work, the motion from the initial registration was con-
sidered to be more certain in the orientations of a local
structure tensor T. The method presented in this pa-
per is inspired by all the previously mentioned papers
and uses the powerful GLO framework which is able
to put constraints on both above types of motion for
different areas of the data-set. With those capabili-
ties in mind, the focus in this paper is on finding GLO
constraints to allow the sliding motion of objects.
Johansson G., Andersson M. and Knutsson H..
Motion Field Regularization for Sliding Objects Using Global Linear Optimization.
DOI: 10.5220/0005281403180323
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2015), pages 318-323
ISBN: 978-989-758-077-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)